Wednesday, February 9, 2022

NDP break with working class

Vincent J. Curtis

9 Feb 22

The only one more denunciatory of the Truckers for Freedom than Prime Minister Blackface is NDP leader Jagmeet Singh.  Blackface called the truckers racist, misogynist, and science-deniers who held “unacceptable views.”  Singh denounced them as white supremacists.

Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath yesterday called upon Premier Doug Ford to suspend their driver’s licenses and insurance policies, saying that the truckers were engaged in “near-sedition.”

It must hurt to be that stupid.  If truckers’ licenses and insurance were suspended, who is going to drive the rigs off Wellington Street?  Those rigs still belong to the owners, and if some bloke tries to get in one and drive off in it, he is engaged in grand theft, which used to be a felony.  And when since 1848 has a socialist given a hoot about sedition? (Answer: only when they’re in power.)

The NDP have turned into a farce of their old selves.  They no longer are the defenders of the working class.  They’ve sided with the luxury class, the metrosexuals who have guaranteed high government salaries and soft hands, the easily frightened who drive alone in their BMWs with masks on and work from home.  Burly truckers are not their kind of people anymore.  They’re declassee.  Neanderthals.  The proper objects of snobbish scorn.

The NDP let itself get riddled with all the silly boutique causes of elites.  The boutique has taken over, and the workers cut loose.


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