Friday, February 11, 2022

Kieran Moore prescribes thumb-sucking to the last

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Feb 22

RE:  Ontario announces review of all pandemic measures.  A CP story written by Holly McKenzie-Sutter. Published in the Hamilton Spectator 11 Feb 22.

The fact that Ontario is announcing a review of pandemic measures ought to give pause to the rational, thinking person.  Why weren’t they constantly under review?  These are extraordinary restrictions on normal life, so why wasn’t the efficacy of each one towards the achievement of the goal constantly under review?  In the quiet times between pandemic waves, why wasn’t there a systematic review of the efficacy of lockdown measures to determine which worked and which didn’t?

I’m not going to get into the Stanford University study of January 2021, or the Johns Hopkins study of January 2022, both of which showed that lockdown measures were worthless.  That Ontario’s measures were worthless is obvious from the pandemic data updated every day on Ontario’s website.  The high medical poohbahs completely mishandled Ontario’s response to the pandemic, caused the province to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars, and are only now reviewing whether their prescriptions actually did anything.  And none of them had ever been through a pandemic before.  That lack of experience didn’t give them pause to wonder if their prescriptions worked or not.

Of particular note, Dr. Kieran Moore said that thumb-sucking, er, mask wearing may be required in schools longer than “at a societal level.”  Why?  There never was any science to show that masking did anything, especially when the mask doesn’t make a close seal with the face.  It should be obvious that if a mask doesn’t make a good seal, how is it going to seal out viruses?  (or in, as the case may be.)  Even CNN now admits that masks are nothing but “facial decorations.”  Then there are the pediatricians who are reporting learning deficiencies and emotional problems in children forced to wear masks.  Dr. Jordan Peterson spoke of these problems recently on YouTube.

Alberta and Saskatchewan are both dropping masking of children in school immediately.  But no enterprising reporter stuck a microphone under Dr. Moore’s nose and asked him why Alberta and Saskatchewan health officials are dead wrong, and he’s right?  And can you please explain to us, Dr. Moore, the science of masking, so that we can measure your own understanding of it?

Could masking of kids to the last be because of lack of discipline in the teacher’s union?


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