Friday, February 4, 2022

In too deep to admit they’re wrong

Vincent J. Curtis

4 Feb 22

RE: Masking will be the last to go, Moore says.  A CP story by Allison Jones.  Published in the Hamilton Spectator 4 Feb 22

For those who follow these things closely, the statements of Dr. Kieran Moore demonstrate either a near negligent understanding of the science, or deliberate obfuscation to hide the past the incompetence and fakery of Ontario health officials.

Take his statement that vaccines are “safe and effective.”  The vaccines wouldn’t be approved today for lack of effectiveness.  They lack endurance, and against delta and Omicron they don’t stop infection or transmission.  As vaccines, they’re failures.  As for safe, well that depends on age; if you’re a young man, they offer more risk than reward.

“Masking will be the last public health measure to go.” Cloth and surgical masks have been discredited as spread preventers.  CNN’s own medical experts called masks “facial decorations.”  It used to be social distancing, with masking only if close contact indoors was unavoidable.  Masking took on a life of its own as public health officials stumbled around looking for panaceas.  Wave 2, 3, and now 4 (or 5) came and went despite mask mandates.  The studies have long been in, that mask can’t filter out viruses.  There never was any science that established correct social distancing or effectiveness of masks, it was all guessing.  The science and data are in, and Moore refuses to take cognizance because to do so would expose that he and his colleagues had only been pretending to expertise.

Moore admits that Omicron is “difficult to control,” so how is it rational to continue policies and practices that failed against variants less “difficult to control” than Omicron?

Moore says that Ontario will reassess the need for vaccine passports because vaccination only seems to reduce severity of infection, and Omicron by its nature is less severe.  Comparing this with Moore’s statement that vaccines are “safe and effective” shows that he’s talking out of both sides of his mouth, if he even realizes it.  In his discussion about the unvaccinated – about ten percent of the population – being at risk of Omicron, Moore admits inter alia that the unvaccinated are likely to catch the disease from a vaccinated person. Mass vaccination was supposed to induce herd immunity at the 70 percent level, and it hasn’t even at 90 percent.  This once again undercuts the claim that vaccines are effective, and Moore is saying that they’re ineffective as vaccines against Omicron.  They’re usefulness is in reduced severity.

Moore then switches to the irrational statement that excluding the unvaccinated from gatherings “protects them well against transmission and against severe outcomes.”  Moore has already admitted that Omicron is less severe.  Omicron is wildly transmissible so there is no basis for saying that the unvaxxed are well protected against transmission and against severe outcomes by being excluded from society. We’re talking probabilities here, and in the absence of actual data Moore’s statement is unsupportable.  Actually, the evidence is averse, for passports and masks and lockdown did not prevent the rise of the Omicron wave.

By his own statements, Dr. Moore demonstrates that he has no rational grasp on the issues, he does not know the science; and there are a lot of reputations at stake if the public perceives that they have been misled by incompetence all along.  Moore can’t ever admit that either he or his colleagues were wrong, and have been relying on trial and error all this time.  They’re credentials weren’t worth spit in this crisis because they never took the courses that would have led them to right answers.




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