Thursday, January 20, 2022

Therapeutic shortage? How can this be?

Vincent J. Curtis

20 Jan 22

RE: Hamilton hospitals out of key COVID drug.  The Hamilton Spectator 20 Jan 22.

How could it be that Hamilton hospitals are out of drugs to treat COVID-19?  Hasn’t enough pressure been brought to bear through the media to prioritize everything COVID?

Apparently not.  The media focussed on test kits and vaccines.  Joe Biden just announced that he ordered 1 billion more rapid test kits.  Do you realized how much cardboard and plastic it takes to make a billion?  A billion cardboard boxes and a billion plastic vials?  And you wonder why there are supply chain disruptions!  The test kits will be wasted testing perfectly healthy kids for the most part.  Meanwhile, the vials and shipping boxes for therapeutics aren’t available!

Then there’s the ‘boost everybody’ campaign, when it isn’t eclipsed by the ‘ship the unvaccinated to the ovens’ campaign.  You’ll never see in Canadian media that South African and Israeli doctors report that boosters are ineffective against Omicron.

What the brain-dead MSM hasn’t covered, until now, are therapeutics.  Why?  First, because Trump advocated for them beginning in the spring of 2020, and if Trump is pushing it, there must be something wrong with it.  Vaccines didn’t become okay until after Biden was inaugurated.

Remdesivir was approved in July, 2020, but you never hear about it.  Trump was treated with it and monoclonal antibodies when he caught COVID.  Ivermectin continues to show some efficacy, but it got condemned and never got serious clinical trials because it was advocated when Trump was still president.  Hydroxychloroquine?  Forget about it! Aren’t these “off-label?”  They all are!  That’s why they’re approved and available in abundance now.  Their therapeutic use on COVID is all serendipity, but that’s how it often works in medicine.  Look at the new value being discovered for aspirin more than a hundred years after its invention.  Condemning a drug out of hand for COVID because it’s off-label is possibly politically motivated if it isn’t profit motivated.  (See Merck and Ivermectin versus molnupiravir!)

Monoclonal antibodies became available in September, 2020, but only now do you hear about them.  Trump talked of the incessantly on the campaign after his bout with and rapid recovery from COVID.  But if Trump advocated it, then there must be something wrong.  And that was that.

Because the MSM suppressed alternative voices on the claim of “misinformation!” and “if we’re going to panic people, we can’t confuse them with dissenting voices!”  Quite aside from sheer incompetence and laziness of the MSM editors.  Look at the case of Dr. Scott Atlas, MD, after he began advising Trump and started embarrassing Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.  Atlas was relentlessly vilified in the media, because he worked for Trump’s best interests, which turned out to be in the interests of the American people.

Because the MSM didn’t hold politicians feet to the fire on therapeutics, they went with what was popular, not with what worked.  Politicians are no smarter than the reporters who cover them.  Look and Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau for heaven’s sakes!  Do they look like genius material?  How is the incompetent Theresa Tam still employed, unless it’s as a diversity hire?

Take a bow, Spec!  You suppressed alternative voices with the best of them!


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