Monday, October 12, 2020

Why garlic is better than wearing a mask

 Vincent J. Curtis

11 Oct 20

Wearing a necklace of garlic is better for preventing the spread of the virus than a mask is.  The garlic promotes social distancing while the mask does not.

Why is carrying a rabbit’s foot better than wearing a mask against COVID-19?  Because a rabbit’s foot brings you better luck.

(Going to church is better than wearing a mask because you have a better chance of being saved!)

All experts agree that social distancing helps prevent transmission of the virus from an infected person to one who is not.  Surgical and fashionable cloth masks cannot block a virus, for the filtration material is too coarse and the mask doesn’t form a perfect seal around the mouth and nose.

The masking fetish has gotten so crazy that some governments are recommending masking while you eat.  Yes, pull down mask, insert food, pull up mask, and chew.  That’s what recommended now in California.  All the mask touching defeats the purpose!  Joe Biden pulled his down so he could cough into his hand, pulled it up again, and then continued speaking to people who were a hundred feet away, outdoors! Where's the science in any of that?

You aren’t supposed to keep touching your mask.  If viruses are on it, they transfer to your hands and then onto your face.  The reason why experts were initially leery about masking the general public was because masks had to be used properly to be effective, and constantly touching them defeats whatever use they have.

Wearing a mask is like carrying a rabbit’s foot: it’s luck if they work.  Garlic is better: against viruses and vampires.


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