Monday, October 26, 2020

There's a red wave coming

Vincent J. Curtis

26 Oct 20

RE: It's not that voters are wrong, they're just forgetful.  by Warren Kinsella.  Hamilton Spectator 26 Oct 20.

A delusional Warren Kinsella discovered that even proud, lifelong Democrats are voting for Trump, and he puts this down to forgetfulness.  Voters forget all the bad things Trump has done, and they need reminding or else he’ll squeak out a victory in November.

There is a red wave coming in November.  Trump is going to get re-elected with a larger majority, and control of Congress will pass to the Republicans.  Kinsella was hit by the wave going door to door, and didn’t recognize it.  People don’t need reminding.  They remember the highest stock market in history, lowest unemployment since the 1950s, a growing economy, wage growth, taxes cut, promises being kept including the building of the wall.  Then, the pandemic hit.

People don’t need reminding about Joe Biden.  He wasn’t good enough in his prime, and now that senility is creeping in, people see the disastrous Kamala Harris, AOC plus 3, and Crazy Bernie taking over the show.  They see court packing coming, the Green New Deal, higher taxes, teaching people to hate America, and economic stagnation.  Meanwhile, China takes control.  People are quietly saying “No Thanks.”

Polls don’t show this coming.  Four years of shaming, cancel culture, and six months of Antifa and BLM violence have made people wary of saying they like the results Trump brings.  There is massive early voting going on, a sign of enthusiasm.  Trump rallies of thousands of people are breaking out independent of the campaign, and go unreported.  Joe Biden doesn’t generate enthusiasm.

Since Trump caught the virus, hatred for him has dissipated except among people like Kinsella.  People are voting early, for Trump.


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