Monday, October 5, 2020

Ragging on Dr. Paul Alexander and McMaster University

Vincent J. Curtis

4 Oct 20

RE: McMaster Prof Politically Interfered: Congress finds.  Hamilton Spectator 3 Oct 20.

I find it incredible that the Spectator would continue to hound Dr. Paul Alexander and McMaster University.  Alexander used to work at Mac, but as Mac has patiently explained repeatedly he no longer works there and simply isn’t a ‘McMaster Prof.’

It is also incredible that the Spec would regurgitate what a Democrat-led House committee says about him.  Dr. Alexander is as, or more qualified than any of the people at CDC to editorialize about health data.  He has written over sixty peer-reviewed relevant papers, according to the Spec’s own reporting, and no doubt has been a peer-reviewer himself.

He was hired by the political side of the Administration because of his expertise.  Deep staters within the CDC were using their reports to take shots at President Trump, Alexander spotted the unsupportable editorializing, and the little munchkins who didn’t like being peer-reviewed complained to their friends in Congress and the press.

What did a Democrat committee find?  The nub of the accusations is that he wrote allegedly nasty emails to important personages in the CDC who allegedly published “accurate information.”  The accurate part is deceptive editorializing.  In another case, he is said to be 'muzzling' Dr. Fauci for making sure Fauci emphasized that masks are for teachers, not students.

Ugly, Washington, Democrat-inspired resist-Trump politics is evident in the accusations, especially when you grasp Alexander’s expertise.  I don’t understand why the Spectator has to be purblind to the politics, and simply regurgitate Democrat talking points.


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