Saturday, October 3, 2020

Torstar Opinion: He had it coming

Vincent J. Curtis

3 Oct 20

The Spectator embarrassed itself on Saturday by running an opinion piece from Torstar disguised as a news article on page 1.  The article was a hate-filled rant against President Trump for not submitting to the preferred left-wing narrative.  That narrative would have him stop campaigning and allow Joe Biden to drift across the finish line unopposed.

Trump’s signature campaign technique is the mass rally.  Between 20,000 and 40,000 people routinely attend a Trump rally outdoors at an airport.  Airports were adopted in part because the Democrat governors of swing states use lockdown measures to inhibit large Trump rallies, but do nothing to stop demonstrations and rioting by left wing groups like Antifa and BLM.  These latter groups aren’t Trump supporters.

A Biden rally is embarrassing.  He speaks for about twenty minutes off a teleprompter into a camera with his press entourage and a few campaign workers as a live audience.

The opinion writer reviles Trump because he refuses to lose.  Trump rejects the narrative that America should remain in the fetal position until after Election Day.  It is only after Trump loses the election that America can begin economic recovery.

Contempt is disguised as concern for the health of Americans, whom he regards as children that can’t be trusted making their own decisions.  When 35,000 deplorables show up unmasked and crowd together to cheer their champion, what more evidence do you need to prove they can’t be trusted to do the right thing?

The rooting interest in the bile-filled piece is obvious, and this is why Trump always elicits Bronx cheers whenever he talks about the Fake News.


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