Sunday, October 11, 2020

California fires advance climate change

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Oct 20

Could there be anything more pathetic than a California environmentalist?  These people simultaneously believe in climate change and absolutely oppose forest management, because it might disturb habitat for worms and insects.

This year, all the dry kindling and leaves that were allowed to accumulate over the years in the California forests caught fire, and spread to dry and dead trees that lumber companies were forbidden to harvest.  The result was that over three million acres of forest were burnt, putting years’ worth of climate warming carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  Hundreds, if not thousands, of homes were destroyed in the fires.

Two years ago, insurance companies began advising those home owners that because the California government could not protect their homes from forest fires, the company was pulling out of the market and not renewing home insurance in those areas.  Those homes worth millions were burnt to the ground, uninsured.

All that simple-minded concern for the environment resulted in greater damage to the environment – by their lights – than if they had followed actual science.  And now their marvelous, uninsured homes are destroyed as well.  You can't say they weren't warned.

Environmentalism in California caused the production of more carbon dioxide in one year than five years’ worth of savings by driving electric cars.  And the confused blame climate change for the fires!

You can’t help but laugh.


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