Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cancelling Hallowe'en


Vincent J. Curtis

20 Oct 20

The Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health recommends the cancellation of traditional Hallowe'en dur to the pandemic.  Spinco is a ladies fitness club in Hamilton that was the locus of spreading of the virus despite taking all the recommended precautions.

Between the official recommendation to cancel Hallowe’en and the so-called superspreader event(s) at Spinco, you have a case to make that our alleged experts don’t know what they’re doing.

Hallowe’en is practiced almost entirely outdoors, in small groups, by a demographic that is known not to become sick with the virus and not to transmit the virus.  That’s the science.  Yet, the medicos paid by the province recommend Hallowe’en be cancelled.  Why?  Based on what science?  Experts aren’t paid to be excessively cautious.  Any fool, or newspaper editor, can say, “Do nothing! Take no risks at all!!”  Experts are paid to weigh risks, and to draw a reasonable line of caution.  Our so-called experts aren’t weighing risks, as economists do all the time.

Is there any other event than a “super-spreader” event?  The outbreak among Spinco clients is another example of our experts demonstrating they don’t know anything about industrial hygiene.  Industrial hygienists ensure that industrial environments are safe for workers.  One of the hazards common in industry is airborne dust and mists, and typically a combination of respirators and ventilation is employed to prevent these hazards from harming workers.  Since the virus is spread through the air, you would think serious ventilation is something they would think of for Spinco, but no.

The medical experts are at sea when it comes to understanding viral spread and containment.  We’re have enough of their trials and errors.  End centralized tyranny, and let the free market figure it out!


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