Sunday, October 11, 2020

Ford admits Sweden, Florida got pandemic right

Vincent J. Curtis

10 Oct 20

Premier Doug Ford is now admitting that Sweden got it right.  The lockdown was a mistake, and we’re not going back to it.  However, Ford and his medical experts are too invested in lockdowns that they dare not admit they’re moving to the Swedish model.

Sweden and the State of Florida were derided by the liberal media for not locking down during the first wave of the pandemic.  Sweden, at least, is now getting credit for their handling of their crisis, not locking down, wrecking their economy and ruining national finances.  Florida governor Rick DeSantis is a Republican and a Trump acolyte, and he will never get credit from the New York Times for his deft handling of the crisis in Florida as Sweden now is.

The second wave of the pandemic in Ontario is already bigger than the first, and still hasn’t crested.  Panic is the watchword of the day.  The key, however, is that Premier Ford isn’t returning to the lockdown measures of March through July.  He is hurting some, and warning everyone to within an inch of their lives, because not to would give the game away.  He isn’t closing schools, and outdoor parks and  activities.  There is no controlling a virus as contagious as this one, and masking proved to be merely a talisman, a comfort toy, that gave a false sense of security.

Not all is bleak.  The people becoming cases now are from the 20-49 demographics, and they handle the virus easily.  Letting them become cases means the virus runs short of people to infect quicker without affecting the health care system one iota.  Stopping the spread is a hopeless cause, and it is better to get through this crisis quickly rather than slowly.


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