Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trump Only Has You

Vincent J. Curtis

9 Oct 2016

If Donald Trump gets elected, it won’t be because of Wall Street money or endorsements from all the smart people.  Donald Trump’s election is entirely dependent upon the good sense of the American people.

If the American people elect Donald Trump president, he will owe his election entirely to them.  He won’t be beholding to any private interest.  There will be no one who can say, that it was his money, his organizational skills, or his influence with the electorate that got Trump the elected.  No one will own Donald Trump – except the American people.

The political correctness goons are busy at this moment chasing down anyone who indicated support for Trump in the past and is forcing them to recant.  Republican establishment figures like Paul Ryan collapsed early.  Business figures like Jack Welch, who endorsed Trump’s economic message now says that Trump is the wrong messenger.    John McCain has also withdrawn his support, but he didn’t need much of an excuse.

This situation presents the American people with a unique opportunity.  If you’ve ever wanted to give the political and journalistic class an upraised middle finger, voting for Trump is your way to do it.  If you’ve ever wanted to stick it to the man, voting for Donald Trump will be your way of doing it, for Trump has become the ultimate anti-establishment figure in American politics.  Everybody hates him, except perhaps you the voter.

My wife and I were revolted at the coverage of the eleven year old not-mic video in which Trump engaged in locker-room boasting with then host of “Access Hollywood” Billy Bush.  We didn’t listen to the talk.  We were disgusted by the displays of voyeurism in the media.  Everybody who was anybody in the media was called upon to put on a display of boiler-plate morality.  For a moment, everyone became a Methodist, without a Methodist’s Christian understanding of the forgiveness of sin.

All the commentary was about the condemnation of the sinner, not of the sin.  After the normalization of homosexuality (LGBT) by media campaign over the last two decades, the condemnation of Trump was one hypocrisy too far.

Allegedly, Trump’s comments were going to turn off the college-educated white women who live the suburbs of Philadelphia; and that was going to cost him the election.  Beneath this proposition lay the assumption that college-educated white women were stupid.  Beneath it was the assumption that college-educated white women had never heard of such talk before.  It was as if college-educated white women never suspected that their sons and husbands occasionally thought and talked like Trump and Billy Bush – in a locker room, in a hunt camp, at a bar, at a men’s boasting contest.

When actual women were asked their opinion of the matter, most of them acted indifferently.  Most of them acted as if this was no more unexpected than the news that occasionally Trump and Hillary use the bathroom.  They already knew that boys poop in their diapers, at practically any age.  The video was eleven years old.  What does it have to do with the issues that matter to them in the here and now?

Actual women demonstrated more maturity over the issue than the media.  Actual women already knew that Trump was not a choir boy.  If Bill Clinton and Paul Ryan are any examples, choir boys are kind of boring.  The Trump video may turn into a kind of revelation to college-educated women, about the assumptions the media have about them and play to.  Those assumptions they may find revolting and patronizing.  Many women, like many men, may vote for Trump to protest the assumptions made about them.  A Trump presidency would be the ultimate stick in the eye to all those smug jackasses on TV.

If Donald Trump is elected, no one but the people will own him.

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