Monday, October 17, 2016

The Rigging of Classification to Help Hillary

Vincent J. Curtis

17 Oct 2016

The word “rigged” was first used by Bernie Sanders in the Democrat primaries.  He used “rigged” in two ways: to describe the arrangement of the economic system against ordinary working people, and the way in which the Democrat National Committee was working hand-in-glove with Hillary Clinton to undermine his presidential campaign.

A WikiLeaks document dump back in July of emails hacked from the DNC proved Sander’s case in respect of the DNC, and led to the resignation of the Chair of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on the eve of the convention.

Donald Trump picked up on the theme of politics and economics in America being rigged to favor certain people and disfavor others.  The current WikiLeaks document dump of John Podesta’s emails shows how the Hillary campaign worked hand-in-glove with the Obama Administration to preserve Hillary’s candidacy when it appeared on the ropes due to the exposure of her email practices.  Obama’s intervention may have saved Hillary from the hoosegow by rigging the investigation.

In the midst of the email scandal, a career civil servant, Patrick Kennedy, came to public prominence.  He is one of the people whom I previously described as being covered in political filth as a result of getting close to one of the Clintons.  As Undersecretary of State for Management, he worked closely with Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State, and ran interference for Hillary’s use of a private server despite knowing it was flagrantly illegal.  Not only was the server susceptible to hacking by a foreign power, but also it defeated FOIA requests – as it was intended to do.  If the State Department were asked for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, they could honestly say that they have none.  A career civil servant, Kennedy would have known these things because he was responsible for ensuring compliance with federal records keeping laws.

Fox News Contributor and reporter for The Weekly Standard Stephen F. Hays discovered in FBI 302 forms the effort by Kennedy to rig the classification process of Hillary’s discovered emails to ensure that some really damning ones did not see the light of day, while others of concern were rendered harmless. 

Hays reports as follows:

“Kennedy has been a central figure in the Benghazi and email controversies. He was involved in the controversial decisions not to bolster security at the Benghazi diplomatic outpost despite repeated requests for addition security. And although Kennedy is responsible for ensuring State Department compliance with federal records requirements, he communicated regularly with Clinton using her private email. In a sworn deposition in connection with Freedom of Information Act litigation brought by Judicial Watch, Kennedy testified that he exchanged dozens of emails with Clinton and never thought to ask how the private emails would be archived in a manner consistent with federal law. "It's not something that I ever focused on," Kennedy testified.”

Why Kennedy still has a security clearance and hold a high position at State after this admission remains a mystery.

One thing Hayes did not mention was that Kennedy was on the McMullen Committee that was charged with investigating the Benghazi debacle and famously failed to interview Hillary Clinton about it.

Returning to the quid pro quo scandal concerning emails, Kennedy pressed the FBI to change the classification of emails found on Hillary Clinton's private server, and he may have offered a kind of bribe to the FBI in exchange for their cooperation.  The offer from Kennedy was to provide more overseas staffing positions to the FBI at diplomatic outposts, and in exchange the FBI would agree to change the classifications of certain emails.  One of them in particular, Kennedy asked for a change to “B9” classification, which would have allowed him “to archive the document in the basement of the department of state never to be seen again."

Kennedy’s offer went as far as the FBI official whose responsibility included making determinations on classifications.  And not just on this particular email.  After rebuffing efforts by others in the FBI to go along with the offer, the official, an FBI records section chief, met Kenned privately, and "Kennedy spent the next 15 minutes debating the classification of the email and attempting to influence the FBI to change its markings."  The FBI records section chief also told investigators that he sat in on a conference call between Kennedy and FBI Counterterrorism chief Michael Steinbach.  Kennedy again pressured Steinbach to change an email from classified to unclassified.  Steinbach declined, according to Hays’ report.  (If the change had been made, the email would not have amounted to a classified document being found on Hillary’s server.)

In other words, Kennedy variously tried to up-classify documents so that they could never be discovered, or declassify documents so that they would appear innocuous, and not be a classified document on Hillary’s unsecured server.

What we see in this episode is the attempt by a career civil servant, evidently in love with his old boss, try to the rig the system in order to protect her future career prospects – and with them quite possibly his own as well.

This episode is another of a series of career civil service attempting to rig the political process to the advantage of a political cause or a political person they happen to like or support.  Lois Lerner and the use of the IRS to harass and suppress political opponents and opposition of Barack Obama are other cases in point.  The media are practically unanimous in their belief that Donald Trump is unworthy to hold the office of president and will stop at nothing to defeat his candidacy, including report scurrilous accusations without confirming evidence.

The system knows how to protect itself from the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trumps of America, and that protection takes the form of rigging the system to keep the interlopers out.  Steve Hays has uncovered another example of an attempt to rig the system by those in it to preserve the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, and protect her from the consequences of her actions and choices.

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