Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Mike Pence: Trump’s Iron Fist

Vincent J. Curtis

5 Oct 2016

At last night’s debate, Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence proved to be an iron fist in Donald Trump’s velvet glove.

Even Mike Pence might be surprised at that description, but Pence at the debate last night hammered the Clinton-Kaine ticket as it has never hammered before.  All the commentary after the debate was about how rude and fast-talking Senator Tim Kaine was, and that he lost the debate on style points.  There is certainly truth to that.  Pence’s television performance was strong, controlled, measured, and unflappable.  He carried the debate on the strength of his presentation, but it would be a mistake to think that he didn’t have the better of the substance of the debate also.

Let’s dispose of Kaine’s performance first.  Kaine came across as a chatterbox who imparted no confidence to the viewer in what he said.  He delivered canned answers.  After an hour of it, Kaine grew obnoxious with his interruptions of Pence.  At the very end, when the moderator put the clear, direct question to Kaine of how Hillary was going to bring the country together after the election, he couldn’t answer it.  Oh, he talked for sure.  He gave us the usual baloney of “working across the aisle;” but cutting a backroom deal in Congress (which Hillary did precious little of as Senator) is not the same as thing unifying the country and bringing civil peace.

After the debate, even paid professional Democrat campaign operatives did not think Kaine carried the debate.

Mike Pence was solid and concise, calm and gentlemanly.  Pence silently let the audience know of his opinion about the demeaning things Kaine was saying; he shrugged off Kaine’s attacks with a smile and a shake of the head, and this was effective.  Pence would occasionally laugh when Kaine was being his most earnest, and say, “Oh, come on.”  Periodically he would observe that Kaine was delivering a canned answer and had obviously practiced delivering it.

The substantive things that Pence said in the course of the debate ripped the guts out of Hillary’s pretentions to reasonableness.  He said that good leadership supports the forces of law and order, and doesn’t demean it and accuse it of “implicit bias.”  When the debate turned to the question of cyber-security, he raised the issue of Hillary’s secret email server, and how this arrangement exposed America’s most guarded secrets to hacking by foreign governments.  Over Kaine’s interruption, Pence said that Hillary risked American cyber-security to hide the pay-for-play scheme with the Clinton Foundation so that she used to enrich herself while in office.  When questioned how President Trump would deal with Valdimir Putin, Pence replied ‘with strong leadership,’ and then proceeded to talk about the weak and feckless leadership of Barack Obama when dealing with Russia and Iran.  This capitalized on the prejudices against Trump, who is characterized as a bull elephant on the loose.  Modernizing America’s nuclear deterrent under Trump suddenly seemed reasonable because no one casts doubt on Trump’s preparedness to use force if necessary to back American interests against Iran, Russia, and North Korea.

Although he took a while to get to the substance of it, Pence answered well the question of how Trump would bring the country together after the election.  His response was that Making America Great Again was a cause that all Americans could get behind and would all benefit from.  Boom!  There it is.  It explains the outreach to the black community, and the outreach to the legal Hispanic community.  This unity brings a civil peace, which America needs right now, and is disturbed by the Black Lives Matter movement, and other descendent groups from ACORN and the Saul D. Alinsky school of community organization.

With his debate performance, Mike Pence stopped the downward drift that the Trump campaign had been experiencing since the release of the Mexican Times ‘ unproven allegation about twenty years of paying no taxes.  If enough people watched it, the debate could start casting doubt on the seriousness of the Clinton campaign.  The Clinton campaign has offered nothing but insults and accusations against Trump personally, and their policy prescriptions, between insults and the email scandals, haven’t seen the light of day.  More of the same of Obama is what that platform amounts to, and what Hillary would do differently and why she would remains unexplored.  Kaine did nothing except offer canned answers and repeat the mantra that Donald Trump is the head deplorable in America.

Mike Pence upheld his end of the ticket in the debate last night.  As Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine dealt himself a bad hand to start with, and he played it poorly.

Tim Kaine is going to be yet another bloodied political corpse left behind the Clinton bus.

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