Friday, October 28, 2016

Megyn Loses It with Newt

Vincent J. Curtis

28 Oct 2016

In a previous posting headlined Megyn’s Obsession I cover the fact that Fox News host Megyn Kelly seemed obsessed with establishing the belief that Donald Trump is a sexist-pig and a lout who is dangerous to the women around him.  And this overrides all consideration of the hideous corruption of Hillary Clinton, Bill’s own well established sexual predations, and that Hillary is in no position to deal with all the problems facing America.

The Middle East is burning down thanks to the weakness and stupidly of the foreign policy of the Obama Administration, in which Hillary was Secretary of State.  Obamacare is collapsing, and Hillary will be in no position to fix anything in the face of a Republican congress.  Hillary offers nothing concerning the stagnation of the American economy, of an immigration system that is broken, out of control, and takes no account of the plight of working class Americans whose wages have been depressed by illegal immigrant labor; of Hillary’s pandering to the Black Lives Matter movement, her disrespect of  law enforcement (whom she thinks are in need of re-education camps), of her support for partial birth abortion, of her desire to import even more unvetted misogynistic Muslims, and her plan to corrupt the Supreme Court with political hacks.

None of that matters compared to her obsession with branding Donald Trump.  Megyn is a good Hillary girl in that respect.  She’s pretty comfortable making $15 million a year, and her concerns are pretty refined.  The needs and the especially morale of the American breadwinner are buried underneath the irrational fixation of women like Megyn on their perception of Trump’s crudeness.

But if the women of America want the horses to keep pulling the wagon, they need to look after the horses and concern themselves less with their “feelings.”  “Feelings” versus policy came to a head on Megyn’s show Wednesday night.

On Oct 26th, Megyn tangled with the formidable Newt Gingrich, and the exchange went viral on Youtube.  The hottest part of the exchange went as follows:

KELLY: If Trump is a sexual predator --  
GINGRICH: He's not a sexual predator.  
KELLY: Okay. That is your opinion.
GINGRICH: You could not defend that statement. I'm sick and tired of people like you using language that's inflammatory, that's not true.  
KELLY: Excuse me, Mr. Speaker, you have no idea whether it's true or not.  
GINGRICH: Neither do you.  
KELLY: That is right. And I'm not taking a position on it unlike you.
(Note: This is a vicious rhetorical trick.  Substitute ‘Megyn is a lesbian’, re-run the argument and see for yourself if the trick is fair and valid.)

GINGRICH: When you used the word you took a position and I think it's very unfair of you to do that, Megyn. I think that is exactly the bias people are upset by.  
KELLY: I think that your defensiveness on this may speak volumes sir.
(Note: Megyn imputes false motives to Newt, i.e. his defensiveness)
GINGRICH: No. Let me just suggest to you --
GINGRICH: -- the tapes of your show recently, you are fascinated with sex and you don't care about public policy.  
KELLY: Me, really?
GINGRICH: That's what I get out of watching you tonight.  
KELLY: You know what, Mr. Speaker, I'm not fascinating by sex but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the Oval Office and I think the American voters would like to know –
(Now look who is defensive…)
GINGRICH: And therefore, we're going to send Bill Clinton back to the East Wing because after all, you were worried about the sexual predators.  
KELLY: Yes. Listen, it's not about me, it's about the women and men of America and the poll numbers show us that the women of America in particular are very concerned about these allegations and in large part believe that they are a real issue. And --
GINGRICH: You want to comment on whether -- you want to comment on whether the Clinton ticket has a relationship to a sexual predator?
KELLY: We on "The Kelly File" have covered that story as well, sir.  
GINGRICH: I want to hear your words. Bill Clinton sexual predator. I dare you. Say Bill Clinton sexual predator.  
KELLY: Mr. Speaker, we covered --
GINGRICH: Disbarred by the Arkansas bar.
KELLY: Excuse me.
GINGRICH: Disbarred by the Arkansas bar.
KELLY: Excuse me.  
GINGRICH: Eight hundred and fifty thousand dollar penalty.  
KELLY: Excuse me, sir. We on "The Kelly File" have covered the Clinton matter as well. We've hosted Kathleen Willey, we've covered the example of him being accused as well. But he's not on the ticket. And the polls also show that the --
GINGRICH: He'll be in the east wing --
KELLY: In the deeds of Hillary Clinton's husband than they are in the deeds of the man who asked us to make his president, Donald Trump. We're going to have to leave it at that and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, Mr. Speaker. Thanks for being here.
GINGRICH: And you too.  

(Transcript courtesy of Fox News.)

(Note: Megyn’s imputing that Newt has anger issues, though he kept his cool in the face of provocations by Megyn.  She didn’t provoke anger, so she had to make it seem that she had.  Extremely unfair tactics by the person in control of the microphone.)

Newt was not about to be buffaloed by Megyn, and in the course of the exchange Megyn showed herself to be, not only sensitive, but as a much of a political operative as any spokesperson for the Clinton campaign.  Issues didn’t matter, what a woman ought to feel about Donald Trump is what matters to Megyn in this campaign.  Her journalistic chops deserted her, her interest in Newt’s take of the state of the race didn’t matter, she lost her poise and posited the naked assertion that Donald Trump was a sexual predator.  Megyn's entire argument consisted of her concern for the women who might work around Trump in the Oval Office, and that that matters more than any change of policy he might undertake on behalf of America.  Luck for Bill, he was never subject to those standards.

It is worth recalling that until the middle of October the media had found no woman who accused Donald Trump of unwanted sexual touching.  But starting from August, 2015, first question, first debate, Megyn pushed the theme of Trump as a sexist pig.

Megyn’s contract with Fox is up for renewal next year, and she is reported to be asking for a raise from $15 million to $20 million, which is Bill O’Reilly money.  Rupert Murdoch is said to be solicitous about keeping Megyn on FNS.  Her viewership has been dropping once it became obvious she was thumping for Hillary, and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC is now beating her for ratings in the timeslot.

We’ll see how long Megyn stays around Fox, but she won’t get the money she is asking for if she loses her Fox audience.

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