Friday, October 7, 2016

Totally Unfit

Vincent J. Curtis

7 Oct 2016

Trump is Totally Unfit to be President.  That is the theme of the Hillary Clinton campaign, and that is about all they have left.  It is too late in the day for Hillary to start talking about all the wonderful things she is going to do.  They aren’t that wonderful (putting the police through a re-education camp to cure them of implicit bias for example) and they are soon to be contradicted by events.  Totally Unfit is the theme, and the MSM are chanting it in chorus.

Luckily for her, the last generation or so of Americans have been so poorly educated in their history that they seem to know nothing of Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt, whom Trump resembles in temperament.

Trump can’t be totally unfit.  After all, he is a native-born American, over the age of thirty-five and has never been convicted of a felony.  For all the beautiful and unstable women Trump has known, none has ever accused him of rape or sexual harassment, but I digress.

The second presidential debate is coming this Sunday.  The punditry is full of advice for Trump, and so I’ll add my two bits.  At every accusation of unfitness, what he said about this or that woman or whatever, he should simply say that he’s deplorable, and he joins fifty million other Americans in that category.  He’s irredeemable, but he draws the line at not being American.  For all his flaws, he wants to make America great again.  He wants to get the economy moving again.  He wants to create more jobs.  He wants to re-negotiate bad trade deals and negotiate better ones.  He wants to re-build the military, and to take care of our Vets.  He wants to restore law and order to American cities, and to make Americans safe from terrorism at home.  He wants to gets control of the immigration mess.  You can be personally deplorable and still strive for that.  You millennials out there, living in your parent’s basement, if you want find a job and move out, you’ll be better off voting for Trump, because he wants to create jobs.  Etc.

The Obamacare debt bomb is about to explode.  Just before Election Day, Americans are going to get the latest installment of rate increases, deductible increases, and reductions in coverage.  All thanks to the crazy economics of Obamacare.  The ACA is going to collapse in either 2017 or 2018 as all the insurance companies either pull out, obtain monopoly status again, or go bankrupt.  Trump has called for repeal and replace.  Hillary Clinton is just now beginning to realize there is a problem and husband Bill has gone off the reservation on the subject.  It’s gonna happen, folks.  And who is better placed to work with a Republican congress to repeal and replace Obamacare with something more sensible- Trump, or the author of Hillarycare?

To increase her appeal with millennials, Hillary is deploying Algore to speak on her behalf.  (Hillary has taken five days off to prepare for this Sunday’s debate.)  Already her choice has been a source of mirth on the right.  The NRO types have taken a day off from acting as Hillary’s harmony section to make jokes about Algore.  He makes Hillary seem to life-like, is one observation.

Hillary blamed Hurricane Matthew, presently ravaging that part of Florida that is home to her support base, on man-caused climate change.  It’s funny how when it’s something bad, the pronoun man is used, but it would be sexist otherwise not to use person.  It’s also funny that hurricanes have been a fact of life in the south-east United States for thousands of years, and that the last major hurricane to hit the United States was Katrina in 2005.  But this one is spawned by man-caused climate change.

With Hillary and her base, facts, perspective, and reason matter little.  That is why ‘unfitness’ resonates with her base when she uses it against Trump, and no one observes the particular drum that is issuing that beat.

Speaking of Hurricane Matthew, Hillary’s campaign issued a call to Florida governor Rick Scott to extend early voting in Florida.  In the midst of a natural disaster, the first inclination of Hillary is to look to her votes.  A public outcry prevented her from advertising on the weather channel, but the hurricane is disrupting life in Hillary Central, located in south Florida, the most.  (Some call it divine intervention.)  And so Hillary calls for special accommodation.  Funny, but she has said nothing about ensuring that all military votes be counted.

Also becoming news is the dirty business of Hillary’s and Obama’s supplying of arms to rebels in Libya before 2011, some of which supply wound up in Syria.  Al Qaeda affiliates got the weapons.  This supply was contrary to American law.  Material support for terrorists is a felony, and the one guy who was charged with this crime threatened to expose Hillary and Obama as being complicit.  When the guy’s lawyer showed what they had already, and it was enough to demand documentation from the Administration, the Department of Justice dropped all charges.  This story may not have time to resonate, but Hillary told Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in sworn testimony that she knew nothing about weapons in Libya being funnelled to Syria.  That could prove to be another act of perjury.  So far, the purpose of the large CIA compound in Benghazi has not been explained, and the rumors Rand Paul referenced was that its purpose was to co-ordinate the transfer of arms to Syria.

The campaign has hit a flat spot, and the second presidential debate is sure to provide it with new energy.

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