Friday, October 28, 2016

Michael Moore Gets Trump

Vincent J. Curtis

29 Oct 2016

Of all people, Michael Moore understands why Donald Trump’s candidacy is resonating throughout America.

MICHAEL MOORE, FILMMAKER: “[Trump is] saying the things to people who are hurting. And it's why every beaten down nameless forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump. He is the human Molotov cocktail that they've been waiting for. They've essentially lost everything they had except one thing. The one thing that doesn't cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American Constitution, the right to vote….Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump. Yes on November 8th, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, Billy-Bob Blow, all of the Blows get to go and blow up the whole God damn system because it's your right. Trump's election is going to be the biggest “fuck-you” ever recorded in human history, and it will feel good.”

The people Michael Moore has championed his entire career are voting for Trump, and Michael Moore perfectly articulates why.  He understands them, and he gets Trump’s appeal to them.  At that moment, however, Moore is transformed into a Hillary-like superior person who doesn’t want mature grown-ups to act upon their own rational decisions, because he, Michael Moore, knows better.

“There, there. I, Michael Moore, know better, and you’ll regret what you’ve done.  Do what I tell you to do instead.”  That’s the Progressive in Michael Moore.  He, the expert, knows better and you should do what he says.

On Fox News (of all places for a good progressive to be found!) Thursday night, he said, “I'm here and I'm here on Fox to appeal to people who are watching to not [vote for Trump]. I understand why you're angry. You have every right to be angry. The system has failed you. But he is not the solution to this.  And I make the case in the film (i.e. Trumpland) -- the film is sort of a humorous love poem to Hillary Clinton.”

Okay, Moore.  Why should the Blows vote for Hillary?  How is four more years of same-old, same-old going to make things better?

Because she will make this better.  She's the proponent of universal health care, she's been that way for 25 years. And that is what's going to -- Obamacare will get better under her. Remember, the real problem about Obamacare is not the Obama part of it. It's the private insurance companies are still calling the shots. They get to raise these rates. There's no control like there is over Medicare and things that the government has a stay in. Obamacare was only a halfway measure. We'll get the rest of it under Hillary Clinton. She's going to do so many things, to raise the minimum wage, she's going to do things that will help equality for women.”

The problems of progressivism, in other words, are going to be solved with heavier doses of progressivism.  Just like the answer to the pressures of totalitarianism is a further turn of the screw.

Moore admits that Obamacare was sold on a lie.  Not the lie of “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor…” but the lie of being “comprehensive” of not being merely a failing way-point on the road to a socialistic single-payer plan like in Canada and Britain.

It is laugh-worthy to see Moore place so much faith in Hillary.  Obama is much more of a progressive than Hillary is, and Obama got all there was to get out of a Democrat controlled Congress, with 60 votes in the Senate.  Moore himself supported Bernie Sanders in the primary because he was the more progressive candidate.  And Moore is telling us that Hillary will deliver single-payer health care from a Republican controlled Congress?  With all the scandals, the perjury, and the above-the-law treatment she has received her whole career beclouding her candidacy even now?  How many dozen times has the Republican House voted to repeal Obamacare?

Since Michael Moore finds the lies told to pass Obamacare morally acceptable, corruption in a progressive, you would think, is something he can stomach.  And you would be right.  Megyn Kelly exposed it:

KELLY: What about all of the Wikileaks disclosures, do they bother you?
MOORE: No, not at all.  
KELLY: You don't care about the Clinton cash?
MOORE: I care about women should be paid the same as men, I care about the polar ice caps melting, I care about the big, big issues.
Funny things is, Hillary’s entire campaign has been about Donald Trump being totally unfitTM for office.  Trump is the one running on the issues, not Hillary.

Hillary hasn’t run on anything she would do other than “work hardTM,” and her scandals are even now destroying whatever legitimacy she would have as president.  It hasn’t occurred to Moore that Hillary’s service to the downtrodden was done in the same sense that Al Capone’s soup kitchens were operated during the depression in Chicago.  It was a publicity stunt that accidently helped people.

She and Bill, with the aid of Doug Band, figured out how to monetize the Clinton brand, and the Clintons are now worth north of $250 million, after having done no work.  The Oval Office for Hillary will simply be her final Eldorado, and if anything gets done the progressives like, it will be pure accident.

Michael Moore gets why Trump appeals to Moore’s people.  And that brings out the morally empty, intellectually superior progressive in Moore.

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