Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hillary Tax-Deducts Bill’s Donated Underwear

Vincent J. Curtis

23 Oct 2016

I was listening to an interview of political writer and analyst Michael Barone when he made a reference to Hillary and Bill Clinton donating Bill’s used underwear to charity and deducting it as an itemized donation from their tax return.  Barone used this example to support his contention that Hillary has a near pathological need for money.

Sure enough, this fact was reported in the Washington Post on Dec 28, 1993 as follows:

As reported by Lloyd Grove Washington Post, on 12/28/1993:
If the recent past is any guide, Bill Clinton and his wife, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, have been spending the past few months gathering up unwanted belongings -- from old shoes to shower curtains to jogging shorts to, yes, apparently used underwear -- carefully enumerating each item alongside dollar amounts on handwritten lists, and giving the lot to such worthy causes as the Salvation Army and Goodwill Industries.

The Clintons' tax returns over the past decade -- which "obviously were prepared with an eye toward being released," according to White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers -- are rife with detailed supporting documents that may someday prove a rich boon to historians and psychohistorians studying the forces that shaped the Clinton presidency.

Several experts were consulted about Clinton's tax-deductible donations, especially of underwear. Paul Offenbacher, a longtime Washington-area tax accountant, said it is highly unusual to take an itemized deduction on donated underwear; indeed, he had never heard of such a thing. Adelphi University psychology professor George D. Goldman, a New York-based psychoanalyst who studies the unconscious symbolic meanings in human behavior, said the donations are, at the very least, fodder for intriguing speculation.

"Obviously I can't tell you what Clinton's individual symbols mean; all I can do is give you my own analysis -- which is that he's airing his dirty wash or maybe trying to take his dirty wash and make it cleaner," Goldman said. "I'm a lifelong Democrat, and I voted for him, but there's something, let's say, grandiose, both too personal and a bit inappropriately intimate, to give your underwear away for someone else to wear, and then to think that your underwear is worth giving this sort of a valuation to."

This stuff is sick!  Hillary deducted Bill’s used underwear, donated to Goodwill, at $0.95 per pair, to reduce their tax burden.

Barone has a point.  The Clintons grubbed for money while they were in the Whitehouse, going as far as renting out the Lincoln bedroom: make a donation, and Bill would let you spend the night.  The Clintons turned to making money big time after they left the Whitehouse.  Between 2001 and 2015, the Clintons somehow went from “dead broke” to worth $250 million.

Who knew the worth of used presidential underwear?  Maybe it had the presidential seal on it.  I hope they washed it first.

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