Thursday, February 18, 2021

The self-causing lockdown

Vincent J. Curtis

18 Feb 21

RE: Worry grows over virus variants

The tiny tyrants of Toronto want that city’s lockdown to continue, because they fear the newer strains of the virus.  Yes, I’m talking about you, Dr. Eileen (“Cruella”) de Villa.  What infection by strain “A” as opposed to strain “B”  of the coronavirus has to do with coronavirus case numbers and the concomitant saving of the healthcare system from immanent collapse they didn’t say, and no one is asking.

The alleged purpose of the lockdowns always has been to preserve the healthcare system, and it does so by “flattening the curve.”  That means in plain English extending the crisis out over time so that case numbers do not become too large at one time.  The danger of prolonging the crisis is that time is allowed for new and more virulent strains of the virus to develop.  This isn’t news to faithful readers.  In my piece of May 30, 2020, I wrote as follows:

We have two things to fear from extending the lockdown.  The first is that the virus could mutate into something more virulent, and the sooner it gets killed off the less likely such a mutation could occur.  The second is that more people are dying and will die as a result of the lockdown itself than from the virus, from suicides, undiagnosed cancers, strokes and heart attacks that go untreated, and so on.

Now that the forecasted mutations are upon us, the strategy of locking down has produced the excuse to continue locking down 

Every day I watch in amazement as the country leaps from one incompetence to another in respect of handling the pandemic.  And the alleged experts are protected from challenge, not so much by their credentials, but because they are either women or minorities.


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