Monday, February 22, 2021

Another unelected mob tries to destroy democracy

Vincent J. Curtis

22 Feb 21

RE: Board committee calls on trustees to resign.  Hamilton Spectator 22 Feb 21

Cheered by the Spectator, progressives are doing their darnedest to prove that elections are a farce.  If an elected person says or does anything that is allegedly outside the permission of progressivism, that person has to be driven from office one way or another.

Donald Trump got elected because election had turned into a farce for about 50 million deplorables, and he promised to drain the swamp.  Well, the swamp proved more powerful than Mr. Trump expected, and now Professor Swamp himself is president.

Four Trustees of the most woke-progressive institution in Hamilton, the school board, are being called on to resign because they allegedly stepped outside the bounds of acceptable woke-progressivism.  The latest unelected mob to call upon the elected officials to resign is an appointed advisory committee, the progressively named Human Rights and Equity committee.  Human rights and equity have nothing to do with each other, but never mind.  And also never mind why a school board of woke-progressives would need an advisory committee on Human Rights and Equity, as opposed to, say, a Math or a History advisory committee.

If you want to know why your vote seems to achieve nothing, the campaign to destroy these four elected trustees by non-democratic means is an example of why.  There are groups that will destroy your representative if they act the way you would want them to.


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