Friday, February 5, 2021

Progressives applaud suppression of Proud Boys

Vincent J. Curtis

5 Feb 21

RE: Let’s hope Proud Boys are over.  Editorial, Hamilton Spectator of today’s date.

It is clear from reading the editorial that the writers don’t believe what they’re saying.  They say that Proud Boys are, in fact, a terrorist organization, but the evidence to support it simply isn’t there.  Terrorist explode bombs, bring down airliners, and assassinate public officials.  The intent of these actions is indeed meant to achieve a political goal, but, disregarding the fact that the Proud Boys have done none of these things, what political goal have the Proud Boys announced as their aim?

There isn’t any.  So far as I can tell, they are group that is more cultural than political, and their political goal, insofar as they have one, would be congenial to the 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump.  This isn’t exactly terroristic, that is, if you can put aside your progressive daggers for a moment.

The one claim, that they may have been involved in the breach of the U.S. Capitol building on January 6 (spare me the Democrat- inflated rhetoric about insurrection!), admits, inter alia, that Trump actually didn’t incite an “insurrection”; it was planned beforehand.  So, which is it?  Trump or pre-planning, you can’t have it both ways!

Antifa and Black Lives Matter fit the description of terrorist organizations far better than the Proud Boys.  They do have political objectives, and Marxism-Anarchism-Nihilism is my summary of their motivation and methods.  They are anti-democratic in aim and method.  Anti-democracy is an overthrow of the current system.  The Proud Boys were organized as a satire on Antifa and BLM.  You tell young men often enough that they are the root of all evil in the world, that they are irredeemably racist, that they a specially privileged on account of their white skin, and hold white supremacist views whether they realize it or not, is bound to produce a reaction.  In this case, some of them apparently said, “Okay, that’s me.  I’m wearing it proudly.  Screw you.”  This isn’t how real terrorists work.

For some reason, modern woke progressivism needs an enemy.  In the Proud Boys it created a real one where none existed before, except in its fevered imagination and fraudulent intellectualism.

It was gratifying to progressives that bully-cop thug Bill Blair, who became a Minster of the Crown, struck at a hated enemy while ignoring Antifa and BLM.  But you should realize this tears at the Charter of Rights, and follows on the terrible rending of the Charter with all these COVID edicts and decrees.  The Charter was written precisely to be observed in times like these, and the Charter has been reduced to a dead letter.  Those who push back are deemed enemies of the people, selfish and foolish and who are going to kill people.  You know the groups: Hugs over Masks, Rebel News, merchants in open in defiance of closure decrees, anti-lockdown protesters.

The description of how the Proud Boys came to be named terrorists, involving due process and intelligence reports, is bullshit.  Stop regurgitating the propaganda of The Man.  They were so named the same why Julie Payette was named Governor General, at the inspiration of Justin Trudeau.  What wiretapping was done to gain that alleged intelligence, and was it legal?  Did the government have a warrant?  Who was named on it, and what was the alleged crime?  Take a step back, and you can see that something isn’t right in that claim, or in the claim that they can appeal the decision.  How can a group appeal, when the government seizes its bank account, which contain the means by which it can buy the legal assistance?  Aren’t the individuals named as members subject to arrest, since they are, after all, terrorists, and must therefore have committed actual crimes?  Again, step back, have a smell, and analyze what’s being said.

It is hugely gratifying to progressives that government power was used to strike at an organization it doesn’t like.  But what goes around, comes around, and progressives may regret applauding these exercises of government power when someone else takes political control.


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