Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tales from the crypt

Vincent J. Curtis

19 Jan 21

RE: How America can Recover form the Plague of Trumpism and Its Brutal Aftermath. Hamilton Spectator op-ed of this date by Henry A. Giroux.  Giroux holds the McMaster University chaired professorship in the public interest.  He’s written a book entitled “Race, Politics, and Pandemic Pedagogy: Education in a Time of Crisis.  Sounds exhausting.  Considering Giroux is an old white guy, his views on race, politics, and everything else he writes about are highly suspect by his own lights.  But whatever, Giroux is exempt from the ramifications of his ideology.  You aren’t.

I see the Spectator has dug up its old correspondent from the planet Neptune for another exercise in empty verbosity, calumny, and hate.  I know these events happened on Neptune and not earth because on earth no one beat a police officer to death during the surge into the U.S. Capital in Washington.  Excrement was not smeared on the walls.  But Capitol police did shoot to death a 34 year old female veteran of the USAF.

On earth, big media and big tech were decidedly anti-Trump, and tried throughout his term to destroy him and everyone around him.  If it weren’t for big tech and its big money, Joe Biden would still be living in Delaware.  The poor, the working class, and minorities faired far better economically under Trump than they ever did under the sainted Obama or Bush 43.  Funny, but the names of Biden and Harris appear nowhere in this heaping helping of hate, another sign it’s Neptune being spoke of, not earth.

The Spectator dug up its one-trick pony, and he did his trick: the ex-pat Yank hates America unreservedly.  There was no mention of Biden because the author would choke having to say something nice.

Around here, in Foothills, we bury our horses deep, because otherwise the grizzlies will try to dig them up.  Bury this one-trick pony so deep, not even critters can smell the rotting corpse.


1 comment:

  1. Love it. I wrote a letter to the Spectator about this same column which of course was not published. My last paragraph follows:
    The trouble with Professor Giroux is that he has spent most of his adult life in the security of a government job in a protected, progressive community of a university campus. He has never lived under socialism. He enjoys all the benefits of capitalism but has been infected with the anti-capitalism virus. I hope the fever passes.
