Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I wouldn’t want a professor like that!

Vincent J. Curtis

27 Jan 21

RE: I wouldn’t want a policy like that.  Hamilton Spectator of today.

The Spectator was finally forthcoming with an article explaining in objective detail its issues with McMaster and the university’s sexual “violence” policy.  It’s quite clear that the object of the policy during the consultation phase was to engage in the most extreme of cancel culture utterly without reference to the principles of fundamental justice.

So far as wokeness goes, the intended policy as pronounced by Professor Dean was weird, because it presumed a male-female gender binary.  The received woke position is that gender is a subjective mental construction without basis in objective reality.  In short, to the truly woke, male on female violence is incoherent since neither gender truly exists.

Regardless, Professor Amber Dean says if she were assaulted on campus, she’d go to the police rather than the university to investigate.  Well, duh!  Criminal matters are police matters, not matters of university administration.  And this is where the principles of justice and the common law come in, to the inconvenience of vicious fanatics like the good professor of cultural studies.  Dean obviously wants a presumption of guilt placed upon the accused.

But then, the university lawyers got involved, and their interest was protection of the university.  Dean complains that the recommended policy got changed into something color-blind and neutral in perspective, and providing no assurance the university would deal with equity issues.  The lawyers drafted something that wouldn’t get the university sued for millions.  As for equity issues, they don’t exist on a university campus.  Everyone’s presence at university is a sign of privilege, especially the foreign students whose families back home can afford the full freight of tuition.

When Dean complains that McMaster “survivors” are rarely told what “their perpetrators” face or have faced, it’s obvious that Dean wants “survivors” to enjoy the grim satisfaction of watching the accused tormented and punished by the agents of the university.  “Survivors” can’t appeal the outcome of an investigation nor the sanctions imposed.  Is this what has become of feminism today, a branch of sadism?  Justice is determined by neutral judges and juries, not enraged accusers.  But Dean isn’t interested in justice.  She wants revenge.

Professor Dean is a sad case of hatred and failed woke progressivism.  I wouldn’t want to be one of her students, because she would surely assign a failing grade to someone in her power who didn’t espouse the orthodoxy she preached.


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