Sunday, January 3, 2021

Rape Culture collides with Gender Identity Theory

Vincent J. Curtis

2 Jan 21

RE: Rape Culture 'Continues to Persist' at Mac.  Hamilton Spectator of this date.  A rehash of old material combined with quotes from new people, one being the President of the McMaster Student's Union and the other aN Admin person acting suitably concerned.

With all the finger pointing going on, the pointers run the risk of poking each other in the eye.  Take Giancarlo Da-Ré, the president of McMaster Students Union.  He wants the Administration to Do Something, spend money, hire staff, etc.  In short, do things that cause student tuition to go up.

But as the president of the student’s union, Da-Ré represents in practically all instances both the perpetrator of sexual violence and the victim.  What is Da-Ré and the Students Union doing about the rape culture among their own, other than pass the buck?  Not much, it seems.  Deflect attention, make the right noises, etc.

Probing deeper, we run into the issue of sex and gender.  Arig al Shaibah, head of the Equity and Inclusion Office said, “Gender-based violence is not going away.”  To those who follow these things, practically every other word in that sentence has a loaded meaning.  Gender Identity Theory holds that gender is a subjective mental construct without physical reality, and so there is immediately the problem of what “gender-based” violence is, and how it is possible.  It might kill them to say that men rape women, for that would spoil their adhesion to Gender Identity Theory.  And so, for the uninitiated, we get mealy-mouthed references to “gender-based violence,” never mind that at last count there were 52 genders.

Finally, we get proof that basic English is lacking at Mac.  If something ‘continues to persist’, it persists, or it continues.

Pathetic!  This is Canadian university education in the Humanities at its finest.


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