Sunday, December 6, 2020

Weird Voting in Nevada

Vincent J. Curtis

6 Dec 20

Nevada was one of those states I thought Trump would flip in 2020.  The race was close all night in 2016, and the state was called late in the evening.  The vote went weird in 2020.

In 2016, Trump got 512,058 votes and Hillary Clinton got 539,260, a difference of 27,000, and Hillary carried the state.  In 2020, Trump held several massive rallies in Nevada during the campaign in the teeth of resistance and downright harassment of the state’s Democrat governor.  Trump’s hard work paid off.  His vote tally in 2020 amounted to 669,890, an increase of 157,000 over 2016, and surpassing Hillary’s 2016 total by 130,000 votes.

Alas, the returns came in slowly.  Long after Utah finished, Nevada had hardly begun, and by the end of several day’s counting, Joe Biden ended up with 703,486 votes, surpassing Hillary’s tally by 164,000.  Despite Trump increasing his vote tally by 157,000 over 2016, he lost by a bigger margin in 2020 to Joe Biden!  Joe Biden surpassed Hillary’s total by 164,000 votes!

What could account for such a differential?  Joe Biden didn’t campaign at all in Nevada, and Las Vegas is notoriously corrupt, politically.  I get that the Democrats could arrange for thousands of votes to be generated on behalf of Biden in order to overcome a small deficit state-wide, but 164,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016 seems incredible.  What could account for such an upsurge in Democratic support?  What could account for such an upsurge in voter turnout over 2016?  I get that politically involved New Englanders might get their dander up over Trump; I get that SEIU operations could generate thousands of additional Democrat votes in Clark County if needed, but 164,000 staggers the imagination.  What would so arouse Nevadan against Trump?  Between Trump and Biden, that’s 321,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, an increase of 30 percent in turnout!  New Hampshire and Maine only showed 15 percent increases in turnout.

Nevada used mail-in balloting, an invitation to fraud.  It looks to me that fraud was engaged in on a massive scale on behalf of Biden.  Nevada is a Democrat state; I get that.  But Trump’s increase over 2016 was by itself staggering, and ought to have carried the state.  Over the days of counting, Biden accumulated an even more staggering increase over 2016.

The Nevada election cries out for criminal and forensic investigation.


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