Monday, December 21, 2020

Doug Ford Just Lied

Vincent J. Curtis

21 Dec 20

With a serious look in his face and gravity in his voice, Doug Ford lied like hell to Ontarians, and the sad part is, he probably didn’t realize it.

Ford declared that the shutdown of Ontario would last fourteen days in Northern Ontario and 28 days in the south.  He called this “a temporary but one time measure.”  He later said that Dr. Williams and his staff would keep a close eye on the data to determine what the data tells them, and whether it is safe to lift any restrictions or they need to be extended

Okay, so the business about 28 days didn’t really mean 28 days, maybe longer.  Depends on the data.  That, in turn, means the part about ‘temporary’ and ‘one time’ was up for grabs also.

Back in March, we were told about a fifteen day lockdown.  That lasted for six weeks before the most ridiculous of the measures were lifted; and it wasn’t until June that measures were eased a little more.  That easing came after the George Floyd demonstrations made a mockery of social distancing, among other things.  Political demonstrations were okay, but going to church was not.

Ford lied about promising a duration, and the one-time bit.  He was sincere about his reason: in order to save the hospitals.  Surrounded by medical professionals for whom the health care system is everything, Ford had no other proposals as higher ends means than saving hospitals by means of locking everyone away in their residences.  This one-time temporary measure is to save the hospitals, which also needed saving in the spring.  Remember “flattening the curve?” What if they need saving again in early March?  Ford’s promise of a one-time temporary shutdown is contingent upon hospitals not needing to be saved again, and so his promise of one-time and temporary is a lie.

Instead of COVID having higher priority than heart attacks, why not reverse that order?  Just an example!  And whoever said a functioning hospital system in Toronto took higher priority than the economy that supports it?

Ford is in over his head, and he is getting bad advice.  He lied in his announcement and didn’t even know it.  Ford needs to resign now.  Unfortunately, there isn’t anyone in caucus with the education and brainpower to try something different and ignore all the bad advice.

You get the government you deserve!


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