Sunday, December 6, 2020

Weird Voting in Minnesota

Vincent J. Curtis

6 Dec 20

Minnesota was one of those states I though Trump would flip in 2020.  Trump’s “America First” economic policy restored the economic viability of Minnesota’s”iron range.”  Trump secured a ship building contract for Duluth, which saved the shipyard, a major employer in town.  Five Democrat mayors from the iron range came out in support of Trump, and Trump campaigned actively in the state.  Finally, the rioting in Minneapolis ought to have soured a lot of people on left-wing, i.e. Democrat policies.  Biden’s staff contributed bail money to the destroyers of Minneapolis.

Trump came close in 2016.  He got 1,322,951 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 1,367,716.  Hillary carried the state by 45,000 votes, and another 203,003 votes were perhaps siphoned away from Hillary by third party candidates Stein, Johnson, and McMullen.

In 2020, Trump increased his vote tally by 161,000, to a total of 1,484,065.  This surpasses Hillary’s 2016 tally by 117,000 votes, accounting for 58 percent of the third party votes of 2016.  Should be enough to win, right?  Wrong!  Joe Biden got 1,717,077 votes, accounting for all of Hillary’s 2016 votes, all the third party votes of 2016, and an additional 147,000 votes.  Where did all these additional voters come from?  Trump lost 2020 by a bigger margin in the state than he did in 2016, despite increasing his vote total by 117,000!

I get that Trump can arouse as much active hostility as he can arouse support, but where did 350,000 votes for Biden come from, given that Trump increased his total by 117,000?  That’s an increase in turnout of 31 percent!

Minnesota used mail-in balloting, an invitation to fraud.  The election in Minnesota cries out for a forensic audit, and a criminal investigation.


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