Sunday, December 6, 2020

Weird Voting in Michigan

Vincent J. Curtis

6 Dec 20

Trump narrowly won Michigan in 2016.  The vote was so close, the state wasn’t actually called the night of the election by any network.  Trump got 2,279,543 votes while Hillary Clinton got 2,268,839, a difference favoring Trump by 10,700 votes.  Since 2016, Trump worked diligently to benefit Michigan.  He re-negotiated NAFTA to bring back more auto sector jobs; he talked Japan into putting assembly plants into the state, and he had his Department of Housing and Urban Development focus on Detroit to improve the condition of that city.

You would think all this work would pay off in terms of votes.  Trump campaigned heavily in Michigan, and he got 2,649,852 votes in 2020, an increase of 370,000 votes over 2016.  However, Joe Biden somehow secured 2,804,040 votes, an increase over Hillary’s 2016 result by 535,000 votes, with the bulk coming from Wayne County, that is, Detroit.

In 2016, some 240,000 votes were cast for third party candidates such as Stein, Johnson, and Castle.  Even if all of those went to Biden, Trump would still have carried the state by 151,000 votes.  We went to bed at 3:00 a.m. on the morning of November 4th, with Trump holding a 100,000 vote lead.  Only Wayne County had yet to report.  This was strange, since Wayne County is home to the big city of Detroit and had reported in good time in 2016.

In 2016, everyone was surprised by Trump’s victory.  As a result, places like Wayne County, Philadelphia, and Madison didn’t hold back their returns.  Hence, when it because obvious at the end of the evening on November 8th, 2016, that Trump would win, there was nothing left to fudge with.  In 1960, Chicago mayor Richard Daley held back the Chicago vote returns until he was certain how many Democrat votes he needed to produce for Kennedy to carry the state of Illinois.  In the “blue-wall” states, the deeply Democratic (and corrupt) cities failed to hold back returns in 2016 until they were sure of Hillary’s win.  Because they didn’t, Trump pulled out his improbable victory.  This time, in 2020, Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania made sure they didn’t make that same mistake.  Somehow, after 3:00 a.m. Trump massive lead disappeared, and Joe Biden managed to find literally hundreds of thousands of votes in Detroit.  There were more votes than registered voters in many polls.  It was enough to throw Biden over the top.

They want us to believe that the black precincts of Detroit voted for Joe Biden in greater numbers than voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Michigan used mail-in voting, an invitation to fraud.  The returns and the pattern of returns cry out for a forensic audit and criminal investigation.  When the Republican returning officers refused to certify the returns of Wayne County, they were threatened and harassed until they submitted.

Michigan’s alleged vote returns are not to be believed on account of all the fraud and thuggish conduct in Wayne County.  You don’t go to bed with a 100,000 vote lead, and 90 percent of polls reporting, and wake up in the morning behind, all on account of fantastically disproportionate returns that were put into the system in the dead of night.


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