Thursday, September 22, 2016

Teleprompter Brain

Vincent J. Curtis

22 Sept 2016

In his last speech to the United Nations as president, Barack Obama read the following off his teleprompter:

"If we are honest, we know that no external power is going to be able to force different religious communities or ethnic communities to co-exist for long,"

You have to wonder if the man who read that statement understood what he just said.  In practice, Obama wants to bring into the United States large numbers of Syrian Muslims as refugees.  If no external power such as the various levels of government in the United States can force difference ethnic and religious communities to co-exist for long, then why is he importing the potential for religious and ethnic conflict into the country he is the president of?

Barack Obama is the president of the American people, he is in no wise responsible for the care of Syrian refugees beyond the foreign assistance expected from the world’s most powerful and richest nation.  Yet here he is following a plan that he knows will result in the creation of ethnic and religious strife in the United States.

Obama went on the say, "Until basic questions are answered about how communities co-exist, the embers of extremism will continue to burn. Countless human beings will suffer."

Let’s completely agree with that statement.  Given that Obama admits that no one knows how communities can co-exist, and that until that question is answered ‘the embers of extremism will continue to burn’ and ‘countless human being will suffer.’ why is Obama trying to import large numbers of Syrian refugees into America?  Muslim communities in the United States constitute a distinct religious community, and being of either Arabic or Somalian origin, constitute a distinct ethnic community as well.  Why is Obama trying to import into the United States fresh burning embers of extremism?

Aren’t countless human beings going to suffer – in the United States?  Isn’t Obama as president of the United States committed to promoting the general welfare of the United States?  Importing causes of disturbance of the civil peace is utterly at odds with general welfare of the United States!

Aren’t the riots presently going on in Charlotte, NC, enough for him?  Does America need even more civil strife Mr. Obama?

In a less-than-subtle jab at Donald Trump, Obama said, "The world is too small for us to simply be able to build a wall and prevent (extremism) from affecting our own societies."  Obama then met with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.  Israel built a wall between Israel and the West Bank that has completed halted terrorist attacks in Israel that once originated in the West Bank.
Obama answers his own question: a wall is a way of keeping separate communities that cannot co-exist peacefully.  If that wall is maintained, the community protected by the wall can live in peace.  It can flourish on its own without the civil strife implicit in the intermixing of distinctive and hostile ethnic and religious communities.
Barack Obama read his speech from his teleprompter.  The words seemingly went from the screen and through his mouth without passing through his mind.

It gets worse.  Obama is at pains not to link acts of terrorism committed by Muslims in the United States with any outside group, such as ISIS.  At most, Obama will say that perpetrators of terrorist acts were not upholding true Islam.  Again, let’s take that as read.

What becomes necessary, then, is that members of the Muslim community in the United States spontaneously go thermonuclear, just as it is a matter of random chance which radioactive atomic nuclei will be the one to spontaneously fission.  We don’t know which one, but statistically we know that a certain number will in a certain time period.  And Obama wants to import entire communities of people of whom we know statistically will produce a certain number of thermonuclear events in a given period of time!

Putting down ISIS won’t stop it, because domestic Islamic terrorism isn’t inspired by ISIS, according to Obama.  Correct interpretations of Islam won’t solve the problem either because the known terrorists have interpretations of Islam that are in accordance with ISIS - whether that interpretation is correct or not.

Islam is not a religion capable of living in peace with its neighbors.  Islam cannot accept inferior status.  Islam cannot accept status of equality.  Islam has to be dominant.  Islam has to hold all other religions and atheism in inferior status.  That is not solvable by reasoned argument.  That is the nature of the beast.

Since it is the nature of the beast to dominate, and since no external power can force different religious communities to co-exist for long, the aggressive nature of Islam cannot be permanently contained by external force.  Islamic violence against its failure to be dominant must eventually break out.  And it breaks out in America precisely because Islam is not dominant.

Obama knows this, and yet he insists on more Muslim immigration to America.  Obama may read, but not understand the implications of, the words on his teleprompter.  But that cannot prevent thinking people from putting two and two together on their own.

Donald Trump is practical enough to see that a good wall and strong immigration controls can be effective barriers that keeps the people behind them safe from external threats.  He came to this conclusion not reading it from a teleprompter but by his own practical thinking.  Trump, by the way, is running to be president of the United States.

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