Saturday, September 24, 2016

Huma Spills the Beans: Obama Knew

Vincent J. Curtis

24 Sept 2016

In my posting of July 27th, 2016, I concluded that the reason Hillary was not recommended for indictment by FBI Director James Comey was that President Barack Obama himself was among those with whom Hillary was having those highly classified email conversations.

The latest late Friday afternoon document dump by the FBI contained this nugget that serves as powerful support for that thesis:

“Top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, in her interview, explained how they had to update email addresses with the White House so Clinton could email President Barack Obama. When Abedin was shown a 2012 email exchange, she did not recognize the pseudonym -- when agents explained it was Obama, she replied, "How is this not classified?"”

Previously, President Barack Obama denied knowing about Hillary’s home-brew server.  This is what he told CBS News:

Last Updated Mar 7, 2015 6:56 PM EST
President Obama only learned of Hillary Clinton's private email address use for official State Department business after a New York Times report, he told CBS News in an interview.
CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Mr. Obama when he learned about her private email system after his Saturday appearance in Selma, Alabama.
"The same time everybody else learned it through news reports," the president told Plante.
Mr. Obama's comments follow a long week of media scrutiny surrounding Hillary Clinton's private email address and the "home-brewed" server that hosted it.

Plainly, President Barack Obama lied about not knowing.  He did know.  He communicated with Hillary at her address.  Huma Abedin told the FBI of updating email address with the White House so that Hillary could email Obama directly, using his email pseudonym, Barry Soetoro.  When Huma was shown an email between H and Barry, she ejaculated, “Why is this not classified?”

Communications between the President and the Secretary of State are born classified, at the Secret or Top Secret level depending upon the sensitivity of the material.  Even if the content is not especially secret, a discussion of baseball for example, the email contains header information useful to hackers.  Non-classified content would reveal to foreign intelligence agencies the state of the relationship between the two, and also what is on their minds.  That is why even innocuous emails between the Secretary and the President need to be kept secret regardless of content.

Obama lied about his knowledge of Hillary’s secret server.  And because it was he who was communicating with Hillary about highly classified matters through her secret server that Comey couldn’t recommend indictment for Hillary.  If she were indicted, Obama ought also be indicted.  Obama is the fount of classification authority.  If he was communicating with Hillary by standards that would have others indicted, that’s okay because he’s the boss.  And there is her defence.  Enough reasonable doubt to get off.

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