Thursday, September 29, 2016

Obama’s Deplorables: White Men

Vincent J. Curtis

29 Sept 2016

If you’re white and a man, it isn’t just Hillary Clinton who thinks you’re deplorable, President Barack Obama thinks so as well.  Yesterday, on The Steve Harvey Show, Obama enlightened the audience with his view that Trump supporters are sexists.

"People just do not give [Clinton] credit, and part of it, maybe, is because she's a woman and we have not elected a woman president before," Obama said.
And in case you missed the moral certainty of the President of the United States, he added this,

"But here's somebody who, as I said at the convention, is as qualified as anybody who has ever run for this office, and she's been on the right side of the issues that we care about, and we need to support her, and that begins by making sure that everybody is registered and everybody is voting. The stakes in this election is so high."
Obama did not explain why he ran against Hillary himself.  By his own admission, she was far more qualified than he was, and it would be sexist not to vote for her.

To add to the evidence of Barack Obama’s moral incoherence, he denounced Trump’s “treatment of women,” which he based entirely on Hillary’s account of Miss Universe 1996, who broke her contract and turned herself into Miss Piggy.

"You had somebody who basically insulted women and then doubled down ... in terms of how he talks about them and talks about their weight and talks about, you know, how they look instead of the content of their character and capabilities, which is not something that I want, not somebody I want in the Oval Office that my daughters are listening to and that sons are listening to," Obama said.

Obama failed to mention that it was Hillary herself who guided the “bimbo eruptions” squad, which destroyed the reputations of women who had been raped by, molested, or had a sexual encounter with her husband, Bill Clinton.  Trump is the guy who treated women equally to the point of demanding that they live up to the contract they signed.  Perhaps that is just too much equality for the morally incoherent Obama.  It’s simply wrong to hold women to their contract word, right?

Barack Obama has an evil rhetorical habit: he impugns the motives of those who oppose him, as he did above.  He does this all the time.  Impugning the motives of those who oppose him has the effect of cutting off the discussion and leaving him holding the field of the right and the good.  There can be no honest differences of view, no discussion, when the other side is said to hold their view because of base motives not related to the matter at issue.

If you hold your view because you’re a sexist, a racist, cowardly, or just looking to enrich your supporters, then the reasons you offer in support of your view are not worth discussing because they aren’t the real ones.  If you don’t agree with Obama in 2016 concerning Hillary, you are a sexist.  And if you didn’t agree with Obama in 2008 concerning Hillary, you are a racist.  Got it?  End of discussion.

Who are these sexist people Obama referred to?  According to polls, 75 % of non-college educated white men support Trump.  So there is the profile: Hillary’s deplorables are Obama’s deplorables.  And you know what else?  If Hillary’s free college tuition is passed into law, they are going to be Hillary’s suckers as well.  The non-college educated white men who work for a living are going to pay taxes so that other people can go to college for free.

In the course of getting their free college education, the privileged are going to have their head filled with reasons why non-college educated white men are responsible for all the ills in America, and why the country they love is the worst country in the world.  And after a free college education, the privileged are going to expect to be the bosses of the non-college educated, those who paid the freight.  And the bosses will be free to enlighten their subordinates with all the wisdom they learned at college.

It is one thing to be scorned by the elite in private, when the elite are talking among themselves; but it becomes really ugly when the elite are so smug that they let their scornful views be made known to the outside world.  That is really grinding the boot in someone’s face.

Obama is motivating his base among African-Americans to vote for Hillary as a means of degrading non-college educated white men once and for all.

Is there any doubt why the Trump revolution is so powerful?

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