Saturday, September 24, 2016

Covered in Clinton Filth

Vincent J. Curtis

24 Sept 2016

Even getting physically close to a Clinton can get you covered in political filth.  Just ask Loretta Lynch, Attorney-General of the United States, who had a private meeting with Hillary’s husband Bill aboard her aircraft in Phoenix, AZ, Sky Harbor airport, of all places.

Colin Powell is now being tarred with Clinton’s political filth.  His use of private email when he was Secretary of State (2001 – 2005) was used by Hillary Clinton as the legal precedent for her use of a private email server to conduct all her business, both public and private.  According to reports, Powell’s use of private email involved about three dozen transmissions, and these occurred at a time when email was relatively new to the State Department infrastructure.  Condoleezza Rice, who was Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009, did not use email while her department completely overhauled the rules and the infrastructure at State to handle email communications and to comply with records retention laws.  She has had nothing to do with the Clintons, and her reputation remains clean.

Powell, however, described Hillary in an email as a “good friend.”  He did not realize that his “good friend” was going to use him as her legal and reputational shield.  His reputation was going to be blackened before hers was.  His judgement was going to suffer in the public’s estimation if hers was.  Powell became the target of hackers because of his association with Hillary, and numerous embarrassing emails of his were leaked to the public, including his contempt for husband Bill, said to be “still d---king bimbos at home.”

In the FBI document dump of late yesterday afternoon, it became obvious that Hillary was setting up her “good friend” Colin Powell to be the fall guy should her secret server become known.  His example was to be Hillary’s legal precedent.  This is how Fox News reported the information:

“In a separate conversation, Pagliano's IT colleague, whose identity is redacted in the documents, said that "he wouldn’t be surprised if classified information was being transmitted."  Pagliano said his colleague asked him to convey the concern to Clinton's inner circle.   When he did so, however, Pagliano said Mills shrugged off the warning, telling Pagliano that "former Secretary [sic] of State had done the same thing, [including] Colin Powell."

Colin Powell must have thought that his reputation was untouchable.

FBI Director James Comey is having his once-sterling reputation torn to shreds over Hillary Clinton.  The late Friday afternoon document dump is the fifth or sixth such use of the classic Washington trick to avoid having bad news in the news while people are watching: to dump large amounts of material very late on a Friday afternoon.  Among many things that were present in the data dump were the people who received immunity from the Justice Department in return for cooperation with the FBI investigation.  Five of Hillary closest helpers in the email scandal were given immunity, including Cheryl Mills.

Mills was given immunity as a witness to a potential crime, but she was allowed to represent Hillary as an attorney during Hillary’s questioning by the FBI.  The conflicts and unethical conduct here is overwhelming.  Mills was a witness to a potential crime.  But for her immunity deal, she was open to indictment herself.  Yet the FBI allowed a witness and potentially a co-conspirator to a crime to sit in on the questioning of another suspect – and have the power to give advice to the witness whether to answer a question and how to answer a question!

In addition to Cheryl Mills, Bryan Pagliano, who set up Hillary’s home-brew server, and Paul Combetta, the guy who deleted and bleach-bitted Hillary’s email archive at Platte River Networks were also given immunity.

Nobody in Washington is looking at James Comey the same.

It also turns out that Hillary had her email archive transferred from the original server in her home to another server at Platte River Networks in Denver, CO.  She then had her old server destroyed electronically.  When the FBI asked Hillary for her server, not realizing the lateral of information had taken place, she gave them the ruined one.  Big joke!

It also came out that Barack Obama is getting brushed with the Clinton tar.  It was revealed in the document dump that he sent email communications directly to Hillary on her server, when previously he denied even knowing about her secret server.  The exposure of Obama as a liar is not shocking, but it will become known that the reason Hillary wasn’t indicted for careless handling of classified information is that he was the one Hillary was being careless with.  Obama himself is sinking into the Clinton ooze.

The last person of public prominence to cover himself in political filth in aid of the Clintons is Congressman Elijah Cummings, (D- MD).  Cummings was a hero of the civil rights movement, but he has drunk so deep of the Democrat kool-aid that he is a partisan Democrat first and above all.  Cummings had tried his best to protect Hillary.  He has portrayed all congressional investigation into Hillary scandals as mere partisan witch-hunts.  The proper way of going about his job is to express skepticism first, then announce his determination of witch-hunting after the investigation is complete or nearly complete.  But no, his conclusion is pronounced before the investigation even starts.  He is ruining his reputation on a bad cause.  The protection of the Clintons is not in the interest of the Democrat party, or of the Republic.  It is in the interest of the Clintons alone, and they alone will benefit.  As in the case of Colin Powell, the moment it becomes expedient, Elijah Cummings will be covered in herring oil and then thrown under the bus.

You have to wonder how long the string of filth-covered and bloodied bodies trailing behind the Clinton bus will be necessary before Democrats start to notice.

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