Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Good reason to be ashamed

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Jan 23

RE: Doctor won’t miss his public health job.  Opinion piece by Bruce Arthur.  The Hamilton Spectator, 11 Jan 23.

Why is the Spectator running opinion hit pieces in the news section?  Why is the author of the hit piece, Bruce Arthur, not listed as a Toronto Star columnist, whose claim to fame is as a sports writer?  Given the content of the article, I can see why the Spectator would want to distance itself and the Toronto Star from it, but then, why run the piece at all?  Why was it necessary to discredit Dr. Strauss as he leaves his job?  Is it because he bucked the COVID narrative – and proved to be right?

Arthur himself proves to be a quite a piece of work.  Apparently, he’s a fan-boy of the Chinese Communist Party.  How do I know? He describes The Epoch Times as a “right-wing fringe publication.”  If you know anything about The Epoch Times it is anything but, and is superior as a new source to the Big Tech dominated MSM.

Perhaps the most egregious statement in the sports writer’s piece is “From my perspective, and that of most people with expertise in public health, this is libertarian-style bunk.”  Really? Who are these people – Anthony Fauci?  Evidently, Arthur doesn’t know Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Scott Atlas, or the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration – eminent epidemiologists all.  And so Dr. Strauss gets smeared with Arthur’s “perspective.”

The Spectator has good reason to be ashamed of publishing this piece.  It ought not to have published it at all.


I can feel it now: The Great Barrington Declaration – that was discredited!!  Yeah?  By whom?  As the Twitter files get published, we’ll know more but even now we know that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins were striving behind the scenes to have the work of these eminent epidemiologist somehow discredited, and Big Tech complied.  Note: neither Facui nor Collins are epidemiologists themselves, and the thrust of the Declaration was the lockdown policy – their policy – was misguided and wrong.  The MSM can’t hide behind something being “discredited” (by them!) anymore.  They’re just being tools and propagandists for the government, and discredit themselves.

The authors of Great Barrington are: Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology and Oxford University; Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University; and Dr Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine and a biostatistician at Harvard University.  Even now, Big Tech lists discrediting hit pieces on Great Barrington ahead of the actual open letter itself.  This is truly amazing that arts majors would put their thumbs on the scale like this and on this matter.

Great Barrington is the name of the small town in Massachusetts where the letter was signed.

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