Monday, January 23, 2023

Gay Pride means straight humiliation.

Vincent J. Curtis

23 Jan 23

The Ivan Provorov affair gives opportunity to examine the issue of Gay Pride and forced speech.  Ivan Provorov is a hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League.  For the warm-up practice before the start of a game, on a night celebrating “Gay Pride,” the Flyers’ players were to wear a “gay pride” jersey, not their normal game jerseys.  Provorov refused to wear one, on grounds that it was against his religion.  “I respect everybody. I respect everybody’s choices.  My choice is to stay true to myself and to my religion,” he explained after the game.

Hockey punditry exploded, “How dare he!”; “He’s a hateful bigot who deserves to be severely punished!”

The final chapter of this affair has yet to be written, and any punishment Provorov might receive has yet to be inflicted.  Fodorov might escape punishment on the grounds that (a) being Russian, he is a foreigner; and (b) Russian Orthodoxy is not familiar enough in the public consciousness as a religion to be casually dismissed with contempt, like Roman Catholicism would be.

Gay pride and acceptance lives upon and within an ambiguity.  Is homosexuality, LGBT, gayness, what have you, a chosen lifestyle or are LGBT people the helpless victims of a crippling psychological disorder: they’re gay because they were born that way?  If you argue the latter, the official LGBT response is: no, it’s the former; and if you argue the former, they’ll claim it’s the latter; and since it’s the latter that makes you a hateful bigot deserving of punishment for causing pain to the helpless.  Let’s examine the horns of this dilemma individually.

If gayness is a chosen lifestyle, then it is chosen; meaning that living that lifestyle is an act of free will, and the choice was made conscious of the fact that plenty of people find homosexual acts to be repugnant, even sinful.  And those people have a right to their opinion every bit as much as gays have to making their choices.  The right of people to their opinion, and the validity of their opinion, cannot be dismissed as being “hateful” and “bigoted;” and those who hold hateful opinions ipso facto deserve to be punished.  Choices have consequences, and the distain of large numbers of people ought to have been weighed as an inevitable consequence of the choice to live a gay lifestyle.  And then there are people like Provorov who ask for the same respect that’s demanded.

At this point, the helpless victim of a psychological disorder - that they were born that way and can’t help being gay - is brought forward as a defense against “hate.”  It’s just wrong to hate the helpless!  But if LGBTQ2+ are helpless victims, then where does this ‘pride’ business come from?  There is no paraplegic pride, no blind pride, no schizophrenia pride, no Alzheimer’s pride, so why should there be pride is this particular disorder – the need to engage in homosexuality?  Yet, there it is: Gay Pride; and if you don’t go along with it, then you’re a hater and a bigot who deserves to be punished.

But there’s still this niggling problem that if LGBT is a chosen lifestyle, why should there be pride in it?  Pride in what – buggery?  There’s no particular pride in being “straight,” and there’s no courage in indulging in “the gay lifestyle.”  Still, there is this movement to enforce speech on straight people; to force them to apparently and superficially endorse or support the gay lifestyle and gay pride, eluding the fact that gay pride amounts to pride in buggery.

The transgender business should be treated separately, but will get a brief mention here.  The tactics around enforcing transgenderism is especially vicious.  First, the straight person is expected to live the lie that that transgender person is trying to propagate.  It is held up that these unhappy people have extremely high rates of suicide, and, it is argued, that if you don’t go along with their lie, their suicide is on your head, straight person!  Vicious.  This is an extreme version of the tactic to enforce speech on straight people seemingly to endorse gay pride.  But what is gay pride if it doesn’t boil down to a celebration of buggery or of the psychological conditions that lead to it?

An element that seems to feature in LGBTQ2+ living is humiliation.  The gays and queers seem to have this desire to humiliate themselves in different ways.  The gay pride movement is an effort to humiliate the straight community, by forcing the straight community seemingly to agree, to endorse, and to say things it doesn’t really believe, namely that it appreciates homosexuality against all laws of nature.  The psychological trick is say that not endorsing gay pride is a sign of hate, of bigotry, deserving of punishment.  And the primary enforcers of gay pride turn out to be straight people afraid of being labelled as haters.  Without the re-enforcement of members of the straight community, the LGBT community would lack the strength of numbers to enforce their program.  If gay pride was met with the laughter of the straight community, it would go nowhere.

Gay pride means straight humiliation, but this humiliation couldn’t occur without the enforcement of straight people, who for reasons of their own, have to strike a false, or certainly a confused moral pose.


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