Monday, November 7, 2022

He let the cat out of the bag

Vincent J. Curtis

7 Nov 22

RE: Climate woes bad and getting worse faster, says UN report.  An AP story by Seth Borenstein.  The Hamilton Spectator 7 Nov 22.

“The only reason the globe hasn’t broken annual temperature records in the past few years is a rare, three-year La Nina weather phenomenon,” said World Meteorological Organization chief Petteri Taalas at the COP27 conference being held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.  The WMO just admitted that a natural phenomenon, a La Nina event, produces powerful, long term climate modifications that suppress global warming.

That drought and those forest fires in the western U.S. and Canada were due to La Nina, not CO2 emitted by man.  All that bewailing we heard of these weather events being proof of man-caused global warming turned out to be crapola.  But don’t expect to hear apologies from the alleged experts any time soon.  Don’t expect to hear, “we got it wrong.”

There is also the El Nino event, which is warm Pacific water rising to the surface with its effects of warming and putting humidity into the atmosphere.  The Atlantic Ocean experiences the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, in which water from the depths rises to the surface with warming or cooling effects on the atmosphere above.  But you never hear about these things that profoundly affect climate.  Why?

Dr. Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama (Huntsville) explains, “The modelling community is a global marching army whose careers depend on funding of climate model.”  It’s a racket to scare people to keep getting money.  “There are legions of scientists trying to get money out of Congress…and money is given in proportion to the public interest.”

It doesn’t pay a climate scientist to say there’s nothing to worry about, and the community is big enough that lots of money is needed to keep it sustained.  It pays to keep the scare in people, and to keep climate disaster in the headlines.

Spencer also explained that models are tweeked to produce results that seem reasonable to the modeller.

Numerous climate skeptics have had papers published in peer-reviewed climate journals and the conclusions are simply ignored.  They aren’t challenged or rebutted; just ignored because it doesn’t pay to call attention to disputes about how disastrous the future will be.

I expect a blizzard of unchallenged lies to fall in the Sinai desert over the COP27 conference.




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