Thursday, November 10, 2022

Algore and his list

Vincent J. Curtis

10 Nov 22

RE: Gore announces fossil fuel inventory.  An AP sotry by Samy Magdy.  The Hamilton Spectator 10 Nov 22.

As even his friends like Richard Branson and the Emir of Qatar know, when you’re dealing with Al Gore, check your wallet.  His Academy Award winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” was inconveniently declared by British judiciary to be devoid of truth and full of falsehood.  At his 2007 Nobel Prize lecture, Gore predicted that the Arctic Ocean would be ice-free by 2014.  We’re still waiting.  Now, he’s claiming to have identified the top 14 top greenhouse gas emitters.  Strangely, they are all “gas and oilfields and their associated facilities,” whatever that means.

Why top 14?  It goes unsaid, but that number was likely selected to exclude inconvenient things, like having to mention India and China.  What’s also strange is that if you google “top CO2 emitters” the results all come back by country.  There’s not a steel making facility or a coal-fired power plant on the list.  It’s all by country, meaning that Gore’s alleged list is based on proprietary data that can’t - and won’t - be cross-checked.  The list is too convenient.

The “Just Stop Oil” campaign is big right now, and by identifying oil and gas fields as the 14 largest emitters of greenhouse gases, it folds nicely into the latest and most energetic group of left-wing extremists.  Gore is nothing if not a keen searcher of a parade to jump in front of.


Gore has also claimed to have invented the internet, and for this Google put him on its Board after he lost the 2000 presidential election.

Gore was the first to take an electoral challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court, in Bush v. Gore disputing the electoral count in Florida.  That gave Democrats the excuse to claim that Bush was “chosen, not elected” president, and to deny that Bush was “their president.”  Election denying began with Gore.

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