Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Doug Ford causes tooth decay

 Vincent J. Curtis

1 Nov 22

RE: Ford is gambling with our future.  Op-ed by Kim Perrotta and Mili Roy.  Kim Perrotta MHSS is an environmental health specialist and the author of the 2002 report Beyond Coal: Power, Public Health and the Environment.  Dr. Mili Roy is a practicing physician and medical editor and assistant professor with the department of ophthalmology, faculty of medicine, University of Toronto.  She serves as Ontario regional chair of the Canadian Physicians for the Environment.  The Hamilton Spectator 1 Nov 22.

“As dental professionals we believe that climate change is responsible for tooth decay, and Doug Ford is responsible.”

“As proof that the climate is changing we offer the droughts, floods, heat waves, storms and forest fires that happen around the world.  These shouldn’t be happening, or happening with this intensity and frequency.”

"The cause of climate change is the burning of low-cost, reliable fossil fuels.  Doug Ford plans to increase the amount of natural gas fired electrical power generation in Ontario, which will contribute to climate change.”

“Relying on our authority as dental professional, we say that climate change causes tooth decay.  Since he is going to increase climate change, Doug Ford is responsible for tooth decay in your children.”


1 comment:

  1. The Federal government announced its intention to increase immigration to 500,000 new immigrants a year by 2025. I haven’t heard anyone complain about its effect on Canada’s contribution to climate change.
