Friday, November 11, 2022

COVID Karens are at it again

Taking precautions

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Nov 22

The usual suspects are making ominous noises.  The camel is poking its nose into the tent.  The COVID Karens, the mask mandaters, are clearing their throats.

“Wear a mask!  It’s stupid if you don’t!” is the growing cry.  Can mandates be far behind?

Here are some facts: mask mandates did nothing to slow or modify the progress of waves 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.  A mask that does not fit snugly to the face can’t seal viruses out, or in – and never mind if the filter can remove a particle smaller than 0.1 micron in size, the size of a virus.  But facts and past experience don’t matter with COVID Karens, especially the ones with MD’s after their names.

But masking is not a medical question, it’s an engineering question, and what might seem commonsensical to a doctor is ridiculous to an engineer upon closer inspection.

The hospitals are said to be filling up with young children with respiratory diseases.  This is the result of keep children apart for two crucial years when small challenges to their immune systems build stronger defenses for later years.  But the Karens kept children apart – for grandma’s sake.  Now they wonder at the unintended consequences of their previous mistakes.

The experts of the past proved to be not so knowledgeable.  This same group are now making noises for a return to compliance masking, obedience masking, mask mandates, with devices that don’t work.

Hopefully, the public is smarter this time around.


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