Sunday, September 26, 2021

Stop complaining you media wusses!

Vincent J. Curtis

26 Sept 21

RE: Opinion piece by Paul Berton, Spectator Editor, and Editorial of Saturday, 25 Sept 21 The Hamilton Spectator.

Paul Berton needs to stop complaining about attacks on the media.  The Spectator, for one, doesn’t get half the abuse it deserves.  The media is so saturated by progressivism, you can’t trust their view of reality.

Take the editorial claim that “Alberta’s nightmare is entirely due to the government that put its ideology ahead of public health and safety.”  And “Had [vaccine passports been implemented] in a more timely fashion, thousands of lives might have been saved…”


Dozens, maybe, in the latest wave but you don’t know that they wouldn’t have got COVID regardless of a passport system or not.  Alberta has an 82 percent vaccination rate, and the average age of death is 79.  (Despite the 82 percent vaccination rate, Alberta’s fourth wave is worse than the third, second, or first!)

Only progressives and Marxist blame “ideology” for Alberta’s “nightmare.”  I blame the virus.

As for ideology, believe me, if Jason Kenny were in any way ideological, Alberta would not have gone full Chicom control freaky like the rest of Canada.  People around here wonder, “What would Ralph Kline do?”  It couldn’t be worse, and at least we’d be free.

What the progressive media can’t come to grips with is that their “experts” are at sea.  Nothing they did worked, and even vaccinations aren’t performing as expected.  Progressives can’t understand that sometimes their experts don’t know, they just pretend to.

Alberta’s real health care crisis is in opioid overdoses and syphilis, caused by excessive lockdown!

Alberta’s fourth wave is worse than Ontario’s not because of vast differences in vaccination rates or other approaches.  It so happens the virus is far more prevalent in Alberta than in Ontario - at the moment!

Stop complaining, media.  You don’t know half of what you think you know, and nobody trusts you anymore.


None of the media inquire as to the possible political motivations of Alberta’s medical professions who complain in the media about this or that.  Believe me, they have a political agenda.  They’re trying to embarrass the Kenny government as part of their labor negotiations with the government, which have been in tough talks for over two years.  Just perhaps, the agenda of the doctors - to embarrass the Kenny government - coincides with the media desire to embarrass an ostensibly "right-wing" government.  And that's why the media don't check deeper into the game being played before them.

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