Wednesday, September 15, 2021

School Board Cat Fight

Vincent J. Curtis

15 Sept 21

RE: Trustee Paikin Miller Sanctioned for Third Time,  Hamilton Spectator news item of 15 Sept 21.

Merrrroww! Pffft, Pffft!  The cat fight on the HWDSB continues.  The only thing missing from this girl-fight is the hair-pulling.  The screaming occurs behind closed doors.

I guess with age comes a certain dignity, and instead of hair-pulling we get passive-aggressive mean-girl stuff: letter-writing, sanctions, and official reports saying so-and-so is BAD!

If Paikin Miller were Black or Muslim, she’d be untouchable.  To criticize her, as the other Board-girls are, would be called racist or Islamophobic.  But since Paikin Miller is Jewish, those defenses aren’t available.  This time, P-M was written a nastygram for violating the Board’s Code of Conduct, which is to say, girl behaving badly.

Apparently, P-M has a habit of speaking her mind, and we can’t have that in an elected official!  God knows, the truth might out!  As punishment, she is relieved from having to sit in even more committee meetings.  Previously, P-M was bad for telling an 18 year old Muslim girl to shut and listen for a change, and for “having a problematic attitude toward equity issues,” which is to say she has a problem with reverse prejudice against white people.

The precious code of conduct violations apparently were: failing to uphold the dignity of office, acting unprofessionally, disparaged other Board members – all in writing!  All passive-aggressive twaddle.  P-M must have been pissed!

Anyhow, an election can’t come soon enough to relieve Hamilton of this dysfunctional Board.  Elect more men!


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