Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Deplorables Days

Vincent J. Curtis

1 Sept 21

Vaccine passports are means of coercing the vaccine hesitant to get vaccinated - by making their lives miserable until they do.  Passports only work when the proportion of vaccinated to not is in a certain range.  If a high proportion of the population is vaccinated, then passports become a useless encumbrance, like having to show picture ID every time you enter a store.  Too low a proportion, and it becomes impractical to exclude and fire that many people.

Enterprising business owners might also find workarounds to vaccine passports.  They could hold “Deplorables Days” when those with vaccine passports get excluded and the unvaccinated get to enter the establishment.  There could be Deplorables bars and restaurants that exclude those with passports, or who claim not to have one.  The aim of passports, segregating the good from the bad, will be achieved, except not in the manner contemplated by the government of the good.  There are gay bars, why not Deplorable bars?

The shape of passport legislation is to the effect that only those with them get to enjoy the pleasures of life - by denying entry of those without.  Any legislation would have to violate some pretty basic civil rights if a business owner chose to keep the select outside and letting the deplorables in.  Would a vaccinated business owner who himself did not get a passport be permitted to enter his own establishment?  With passports, the aim is to have one; the underlying condition is secondary, so not having the passport even though vaccinated would seem to exclude the business owner from his own property.

Passports are fraught with legal problems, and unexpected workarounds.


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