Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Demonizing the unvaxxed: Never Mind Your Health!

Vincent J. Curtis

8 Sept 21

Never mind your health, it's my health you're endangering!

Watching the unvaccinated get demonized by the very people who would condemn the demonization of religious minorities is both amusing and alarming. (Yes, I’m talking about you, Justin Trudeau!)

This pandemic has seen the strangest of mob fixations.  It began with the hoarding of toilet paper, of all things.  Then it was the disallowance of certain people’s right to work or to remain in business, but not to the extreme of making life inconvenient for the rest.  The corner store could close, but not Walmart and Costco.  Liquor and cannabis stores were deemed essential.  Then came the masking fetish.

Unless it’s an N-95 dust mask or a NIOSH-approved respirator, masks are worthless for blocking the virus.  Those cloth or paper masks are nothing but signs of compliance, having no filtration value for virus-sized particles.  But compliance is what the hysterical demand regardless of how irrational the demand is.

Now, the unvaccinated are being utterly demonized, being harder nuts to crack.  “Never mind your health, it’s my health you’re endangering.” says the vaccinated person to the unvaccinated.  Disregard how irrational this argument is, that’s the case being made to justify the demonization of the unvaxxed.  A person is supposed to take a drug they don’t want to make you feel better?  Explain why that principle doesn’t work in reverse also.

The vaccinated need to snap out of pandemic hysteria.  They’re as safe as they’re going to be.  Don’t get panicked by case numbers among the unvaccinated because you’re not one of them.


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