Friday, December 3, 2021

The despised acting despicably, Spec complains

Vincent J. Curtis

3 Dec 21

RE: Anti-vaxxers hit new low targeting kids.  Spectator editorial 3 Dec 21.

The Spectator has spent a lot of time despising the unvaccinated.  Now, the Spectator is complaining that the despised are acting despicably.  I agree that the tactics of militant progressivism are ugly, but progressives only complain about them when they’re used against progressive causes.  And vaccinating kids is a progressive cause.

What goes around, comes around.

How despised are the unvaccinated?  The Spectator believes they ought not be allowed to exist.  In Austria and Australia, the authorities are running concentration camps for the unvaccinated.  In Germany, the unvaccinated are confined to their residences because concentration camps have a bad connotation in Germany.  In the UK, the definition of ‘being vaccinated’ is being changed to those having had a booster shot, even though the W.H.O. says there is “no evidence” booster jabs would offer “greater protection” to the healthy.  The hysteria of vaccination is out of control, COVID mandates are out of control, and large protests are breaking out all over Europe on account of authorities acting in the grip of COVID hysteria.

When you stoke COVID hysteria, don’t act surprised when it breaks out in the most unexpected places, like among people targeted for COVID rage.  They’re human, and they rage back. Oh, and it wasn’t kids who were the targets of anti-vax protesters, but the agents who would get them vaxed, like parents and healthcare workers.  The Spec aimed off a little bit to make the protesters seem more despicable.

We all know that climate change causes a loss of critical thinking capacity in many humans, and that progressivism is a brain wasting disease, like mad cow.  The data is that young kids don’t need vaccination for their own safety, and if the concern is for the safety of adults, well, that’s on the adults, not the kids, isn’t it?  Or are adults just big kids in need of supervision by the anointed experts?


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