Tuesday, December 7, 2021

JK Rowling they ain't

Vincent J. Curtis

7 Dec 21

RE: The painful lessons of B.C.’s flooding.  Hamilton Spectator editorial of 7 Dec 21.

Creative writing frees the author from limitations of reality, of logic, and of the laws of physics.  (Creative drawing, same thing!)    One such law is that if a cause is not present or not operating, then its effect is not occurring.  They must teach a lot of creating writing in J-school.

High River, AB, learned a painful lesson from its flood of 2013: don’t build on a flood plain!  The area around Abbotsford, B.C. used to be a lake bed, and surprise! if nature didn’t come along and refill the lake one day.  These were acts of nature, not climate change, for the simple reason that the climate hasn’t changed yet, not by man-caused temperature rise anyway.

Between 1998 and the present, satellite temperatures measurements have recorded a 0.25℃ increase, so small you can’t see it on an ordinary mercury thermometer.  Climate change hasn’t happened yet, and that’s why the B.C. flooding is called a ‘harbinger’ and not the actual thing.

No matter! We then get the siren-song of what Jonah Goldberg called ‘Liberal Fascism’: the moral equivalent of war. We have to shovel more money into the Church of Climate Change, however unavailing that would be.  Spending on the Church of Infrastructure (bracing for impact) might have helped in B.C. but that lacks the sex-appeal of climate change.

“It’s signature is extremes” cry the editors, as if extremes never happened before.  Of course they did, as a matter of logic “extremes” must have happened before climate change.  Even the editors estimate the presence of climate change by the exceeding of the previous extreme!  Logic!  Apparently, they’ve never heard of the natural drought-flood phenomenon, as occurs in, oh, California and Australia.  Only extremes, nothing in between.  B.C. is also to expect both “long-term water shortages” and “severe flooding.”  As well as the tragic “loss of glacier mass.”  B.C. is either “on fire or under water.”  Some people you can never please!

This was taken from the Government of Canada Ministry of Environment and Climate Change webpage.  (Link below)

For streams draining the coastal slopes of British Columbia, peak flows may also occur during the fall and early winter as a result of storm rainfall. These floods can potentially be greater than the springmelt peaks. The most severe events happen during a cool early winter with a shallow snowcover down to low elevations. With the onset of warm temperatures from a major storm system, snowmelt from higher elevations along with the rainfall contributes to substantial flood runoff.”

The webpage also contains links to Fraser River floods of 1894, 1948, and 1972 as well as to Kicking Horse Pass of 1978.  So this has happened before, but laziness or deceit keep it out of the news.  The media burn their credibility on the pyre of climate change.

Poetic descriptor like “atmospheric river” and “vaccine inequity” become expressions of science and fact in Hogwart.  But JK Rowling, those guys ain’t!


The quote can be found at the following link:

Flooding events in Canada: British Columbia - Canada.ca


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