Wednesday, December 22, 2021

COVID Killjoys engage in logical fallacies

Vincent J. Curtis

21 Dec 21

RE: COVI|D outbreak leaves 7 infected.  A story about the beloved Corktown Tavern.  The Hamilton Spectator 21 Dec 21.

The killjoys who run public health engage in an implicit logical fallacy when they say that “200 people attended the event, resulting in 7 getting infected.”  It’s not the size of the crowd that matters, and it’s not ‘social interactions’ that cause transmission of COVID.  The cause of transmission is breathing virus-containing air, and social interaction is a poor proxy for the breathing of virus-containing air.

If the one person who had COVID, and didn’t know it, had not gone to the event, no one would have caught COVID.  If the one person who had it attended an event of 100, or 50, or 25, then 7 people would still have caught COVID.  The logic of social interactions is what leads to lockdowns, passports, and other failed methods.  Understanding that transmission occurs by the inhalation of contaminated air leads to the logic of air purification and effective masks, like the N-95 or NIOSH approved respirator.  Cloth and surgical masks are ineffective, and their use, insofar as wearing one is not a displacement activity, creates a false sense of security and a self-righteous sense of compliance.

The logic of reducing social interactions leads to bad decisions because it is a weak and poor proxy for the actual cause of transmission, breathing contaminated air.  It was the luck of the draw that caused a so-called “outbreak.” And you never hear of the millions of interactions that don’t cause transmission.

(It is false to call it an “outbreak,” for these occur among static populations, and a crowd at a pub is not a static population.  You could call it a spreader event, I suppose, but “outbreak” is a panic-porn word now so favored by the authorities to justify control.)


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