Monday, March 1, 2021

Woke Unprofessionalism

Vincent J. Curtis

1 Mar 21

RE: Trump calls for GOP unity; repeats lies about election defeat.  Hamilton Spectator 1 Mar 21.

What’s wrong with this headline, “Trump calls for GOP unity; repeats lies about election defeat?”  This is a news article written by the Associated Press, and the Spectator thoughtlessly dropped it into Canada and the World page.  What’s wrong is the blatant editorializing in the headline.

The word lie isn’t used to describe propaganda coming out of North Korea, or China.  Baghdad Bob never had the word lie associated with his assertions about the state of the Iraq War of 2003 that overthrew Saddam Hussein.  The AP (or the Spectator editors) could have substituted an objective “claims” for “lies”, but no; the thumb of the MSM has to be pressed on the political scale.  And the MSM wonders why half the population have written them off.  Add an editorial cartoon like that of today, “Vaccine against Conservative Party crackpots,” and it becomes clear how deep the rot goes in MSM employed journalists.  What could be more crackpot than Marxism, with all we know about its consequences, yet Marxism is the dominant “lens” of analysis these days in woke-progressivism?

Nearly 75 million Americans certifiably voted for Donald Trump in 2020. 12 million more than in 2016.  The oldest, whitest, most establishment, least cool, the least likely and least inspiring champion of woke-progressivism, a cognitively impaired Joe Biden, alleged got 81 million votes, 15 million more than the first woman, Hillary Clinton, in 2016 and 18 million more than the first Black, Barack Obama, in 2012.  Washington, D.C. was deserted for Biden’s inaugural, 2,000 people versus Trump hundreds of thousands in 2016.  And rational people are supposed to calmly accept that Biden won fair and square without even campaigning?

Half the American population enthusiastically voted for Trump, and a third of Canadians support the Conservative Party.  Why would a sensible business needlessly antagonize with unnecessary editorializing half of its potential audience?  Unprofessional journalism costs journalists their jobs.


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