Sunday, March 28, 2021

Cow-pies of racism

Vincent J. Curtis

29 Mar 21

RE: Local MP doesn’t need to apologize.  Canadian Press report in the Hamilton Spectator of 27 Mar 21

Leave it to Jagmeet Singh to remind everyone that only white people can be racist.  The sequence of events that led to this declaration are themselves rife with racism, but never mind that.

A University of Ottawa professor of Arabic extraction declared Quebecois to be racist and white supremacist because of Bill 21, the Quebec law which prohibits Muslim women from wearing religious garb while on the job in the public sector.  Now, Islam is a religion, not a race; but since most Muslims aren’t European, that qualifies Bill 21 racist.  Never mind that the same law prohibits Christians from displaying religious symbols, like crosses around their necks,  either, but they’re white, and oppressing white religious is okay, apparently, at least to Muslims and Islamophiles.

Into this welter jumps another well-known race-baiter, Matthew Green, MP, of Hamilton, who approved of an Arab’s condemnation of the Quebecois (Note the shift from the law to a group of people).  Since the issues of Quebec separatism and nationalism are never far from the surface in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NDP, whose caucus includes the aforesaid Green, had to respond when blowback started in Quebec.

Singh, himself a POC, said that Green needn’t apologize because Green is Black, and therefore incapable of racism, And while Singh said he disagreed with Green’s characterization of Quebec as racist, nevertheless all provinces in Canada struggle with systemic racism, and white supremacism is everywhere..

Quebec’s pure laine majority regards itself as a minority in North America, and that it needs special protections to preserve its French character.  But that was so last millennium; and Quebecois, being white, are off the victimhood hierarchy, it seems.

You can’t move anywhere in this story without stepping into a cow-pie of racism and hypocrisy.


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