Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Variants: I told you so

Vincent J. Curtis

24 Mar 21

On May 20,.2020, I published the following inter alia of a larger piece:


We have two things to fear from extending the lockdown.  The first is that the virus could mutate into something more virulent, and the sooner it gets killed off the less likely such a mutation could occur.  The second is that more people are dying and will die as a result of the lockdown itself than from the virus, from suicides, undiagnosed cancers, strokes and heart attacks that go untreated, and so on.


Given time, the virus would evolve variants that could be more dangerous in some way that the original.  And the point of lockdowns was to give the variant time, by our not developing herd immunity.  And so it came to pass.

The smart-asses who run public health in most of the western world ought to know about basic genetics, but apparently not.  They ought to know about the effects of lockdowns, having been warned repeatedly by, among others, the World Health Organization.  But they chose COVID-19 above all else, including reason.  Such is the power of an ideology.

Anyhow, with the public now being threatened with “variants” that could be more dangerous or more transmissible, I just thought the world ought to be reminded that all this was forecasted and published last May.  And those so-called experts ought to have known, and didn’t act on it.


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