Thursday, March 11, 2021

The hating anti-hate groups

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Mar 21

RE: McMaster instructor under fire for comments.  Hamilton Spectator 11 Mar 21

This is going to be an interesting test of the strength of the homosexual lobby against the Charter Rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. 

The Catholic Church has been theologically hostile to homosexuality since the days of St. Paul.  Catholic philosophy closely follows the Scholasticism of St Thomas Aquinas.  Aquinas held that being was metaphysically good, and being acting in accordance with its nature was good.  Being not acting in accordance with its nature was lacking in goodness.  This is where the “intrinsically disordered” description of homosexuality comes into Catholic teaching.  Homosexuality is disordered because it is in the nature of human beings (their “order”) to reproduce, and human reproduction, which causes a new being – something good – is impossible in homosexual acts.  Aquinas provides metaphysical justification for St. Paul’s theology.

Notice that the teaching condemns homosexuality, not the homosexual, who, as a being, is metaphysically good. (“The sin, not the sinner.”)

It ought to be embarrassing to the Toronto Catholic school board not just to get a lesson on basic Catholic teaching, but to need it!  It would be greatly disordered of a Catholic Board to show support for sinning - homosexuality – keeping in mind the distinction between being and act.

That LGBT advocacy groups (Big Ho) would immediately attempt to destroy Mr. Jody Maillet with accusations of hate speech is not surprising.  They aren’t interested in fine philosophical distinctions, or the human rights of anybody.  They are only interested in demonstrating power, the power of their hate, and they hope to intimidate McMaster University, once a Baptist College, into dismissing Mr. Maillet as a display of that power.  Harassment of Mr. Maillet by the police, who would be investigating a charge of hate speech, would be a bonus twist.

However, Mr. Maillet doesn’t need the Mac teaching gig, and the only people who will be hurt are those students trying to learn the insurance business.


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