Monday, November 30, 2020

Paper calls for Adam Skelly to be destroyed

Vincent J. Curtis

30 Nov 20

RE: The laws we protest must still be obeyed.  Hamilton Spectator editorial of this date.

If any more proof were needed that progressivism fries the brain, that editorial was it.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is rolling over in his grave at its publication.  Somewhere, Jim Crow is smiling.

Never mind the contrast between the sympathetic editorial treatment given to the defund the police protesters in Hamilton and the lower the boom treatment allotted to Adam Skelly, the editorial never explained why it’s okay for Costco to have its food services open and have a full parking lot, but it’s not okay for Skelly to sell his food to willing customers.

Translated from the original German, the reason for destroying Adam Skelly is that he wasn’t following orders.

Skelly did not force any of the hundreds of people who flocked to his store to go there, or buy food.  Yet, somehow, Skelly is responsible for the spread of COVID.  Oh, only potentially responsible?  His fines and imprisonment aren’t potential.  Since Skelly isn’t contagious, how can he be even potentially responsible for spreading COVID?  This chain of causation is getting long and improbable.  He's kept closed because of the possibility of COVID spread, but the same business carried on in Costco, a mere 400 meters down the road, is open, operating, and making money in a perfectly safe way?  Nobody's paying Skelly CERB.  But he's expected to suck it up for the good of the whole, while those paid out of the public purse (including federally funded journos) poo-poo his disobedience and shoot spit-balls at him.

Completely ignored in the editorial are the criminal aspects of the enforcement.  A hundred police swooped in on the orders of Dr. Eileen de Villa, an unelected, unaccountable official, not upon the writ of a judge as required by law.  Skelly’s premises were seized illegally, again on the orders of de Villa.  The Act doesn’t contemplate the seizure of business premises, so not even a judge can order that, never mind de Villa.

Adam Skelly’s real crime boils down to his not having lobbyists like Costco and Walmart have.


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